I always think that Australians are bad luck. They’re too handsome and boisterous and lets-grab-a-drink to be good to have around without getting in trouble. Case in point, Tate Ryder. A few months ago, while he was in San Francisco on holiday, he and boyfriend Trenton Ducati made a sex tape that NakedSword ended up buying. I guess it did well, because they hired him to star in Truck. In this week’s episode, he plays an Australian on holiday in San Francisco. Except now he has a devilish mustache and is fucking Brayden Forrester …
Brayden Forrester, Brayden Forrester, Brayden Forrester. With an ass like that, he can’t be good luck either.
Brayden Forrester and Tate Ryder in Truck (via NakedSword)
— Mike
Tate Ryder and Trenton Ducati Sell Sex Tape to NakedSword
Tags: Brayden Forrester, Tate Ryder
Peter E December 6th, 2012 at 10:00 PM
The tattoos are disgusting. I’ll take the hairy guy anyway.
vince December 7th, 2012 at 1:15 AM
a bottom fucked by a bottom, doesn’t work for me though tate is super hot BUT should get rid of that awful moustache NOW and be a bottom again, his as sis too good
ne1butu December 7th, 2012 at 1:36 PM
Sorry, Tate Ryder is not attractive. He is just not the slightest bit sexy.
sar kef December 10th, 2012 at 6:42 AM
I agree. Tate has a pushed in face like a pekingese. Bad profile as well. Not attractive at all. Enough of him already.
fred December 8th, 2012 at 6:05 AM
i diasgree tate is enorlously sexy and superb as a bottom bith yet the moustache if off-putting and he really eneds a good director to bring it off, but hot he is no doubt
J.D. December 9th, 2012 at 4:47 PM
tate ryder is sexy in that cute, adorable way. but that moustache is not his style lol
HansNL December 10th, 2012 at 8:43 AM
I like the way Tate looks to be honest. He has that naughty look in his eyes that I really like in a man. It would be even better of course if he had a little more body hair in places ;-) The only thing I don’t like are the tattoos on his hands.. Other than that minor detail I wouldn’t mind having him in my bed/in me.