Horrible, shocking news began circulating Twitter and Facebook today that gay porn legend Roman Ragazzi, aged 38, took his own life on Saturday, February 25th Thursday night. UPDATE: Dror’s boyfriend has confirmed the sad news and asks that people be respectful.
Roman, whose real name was Dror Barak, started doing gay porn in 2007. Soon after signing on as a Raging Stallion exclusive, the former Israeli military trainer found himself in the middle of a gay porn scandal as the New York Post’s Page Six outed him for working at the Israeli consulate, forcing him to resign. Later that year, he started a personal training and fitness company called Freedom Fitness.
Although he stopped doing porn in 2008, Roman recently appeared in a fashion spread along side gay porn stars Nick Gruber and Blu Kennedy in the January issue of Out Magazine entitled “New York’s Finest”.
Devastated by the news, Raging Stallion head Chris Ward (who named Roman Raging Stallion’s Man of the Year in 2008) said, “He was probably the hottest man I have ever filmed — a massive man of pure beauty, intelligence and kindness. He was perfect in every possible way.”
UPDATE: We received a note from Dror’s boyfriend Sam who confirmed the sad news and asked that people be respectful with regards to Dror’s privacy in the comments.
Sam writes:
Details are mostly personal depression issues.
His business was doing amazingly well and was expanding rapidly and he was so busy he literally could not take any more clients on himself he had to hire more trainers. So it had nothing to do with that. I only say this because he was so proud of his business and I was so proud of him for being such a hard worker and building a business with dedicated top level personal training clients.
Despite what anyone thinks Dror was a loving kind person and anyone that would comment and say he wasn’t just probably misinterpreted his shyness as meanness. He was the most gentle, loving, kind, amazing man I have ever met.
Roman Ragazzi: The Gay Porn Blog Story Archive
Tags: Chris Ward, Raging Stallion, RIP, Roman Ragazzi
Queer Me Now February 27th, 2012 at 12:51 AM
Oh no… very sad news.
I hope this time it doesn’t come in pair…
Alfred Kane February 27th, 2012 at 3:40 AM
Maybe some of the gay “journalists” will think twice before crudely (and joyfully) outing pornstars – but I doubt it.
Jon February 28th, 2012 at 11:07 AM
Honestly…,we can’t blame journalists for doing thier jobs and reporting on facts. If anyone does porn and thinks their identity will be kept a secret is either really stupid or dellusional.
gormster February 29th, 2012 at 2:57 AM
Journalists should report facts that are in the public interest. People’s personal lives, as long as they are not affecting their work and do not demonstrate some significant hypocrisy (like Ted Haggard), should not be reported in the news. Because it’s not news.
Spideyduarte February 27th, 2012 at 5:16 AM
Rest in peace!
Hector February 27th, 2012 at 5:58 AM
Wow, this really makes me sad, and I agree with Ward, he really was one of the most perfectly beautiful men I have ever seen on film. I hate to see anyone kill themselves, as a person who tried in his younger years, I know some of the demons that can drive us to such a horrible decision, and I am really saddened by the notion that such a wonderful person could have been driven to this desperate act.
Jason February 27th, 2012 at 8:11 AM
Very sad news indeed, and I’m not trying to be a jerk, but seriously, he was FAR from being a porn legend.
Tony February 27th, 2012 at 1:46 PM
Really? You weren’t trying to be a jerk, but you succeeded. Totally unnecessary & catty comment. You should have just left it as “very sad news indeed”.
Quen February 27th, 2012 at 7:37 PM
I couldn’t agree more, Tony.
I wasn’t planning on leaving comments, but it disgusted me to see someone react more passionately to a title than to a human life, I just hope this man rests in peace.
I don’t know where you stand with status in your life, Jason, but I hope that when your time comes, you’ll have learnt how to look back and know it didn’t matter.
sxg February 27th, 2012 at 8:41 AM
Very sad news! He was a great guy and heard nothing but good things about him. Most stars said he was great to work with. He will be missed.
@Jason you may not think he was legendary but many ppl will. Sure he may not have starred in as many movies as most ppl hoped he would, but his scenes were quality stuff. That and the scandal that occurred from him is what makes him legendary to me.
manu February 27th, 2012 at 9:25 AM
Has this been confirmed ?
There is a stupid trend on Twitter that consists in writing RIP “XXX XXXXX” . Rowan Atkinson was supposedly dead yesterday , after Justin Bieber and many more…
Rest in peace if this is true though – I hope not.
David February 27th, 2012 at 10:22 AM
Manu is right to question this. There are SO many idiots online who post the dumbest junk just because they’re tucked away in some dreary little suburb and don’t have a better way to vent their frustrations.
I won’t say RIP until I see this confirmed by a reliable source.
Mike February 27th, 2012 at 10:34 AM
According to Jake Deckard, who originally alerted us to it, the sad news comes from friends of Dror in New York. People are talking about it on Twitter, but that’s not the original source.
ne1butu February 27th, 2012 at 1:15 PM
Oh god! I just saw him recently at the coffee shop nearby. He was a regular site in the neighborhood. Very handsome and appeared to be very friendly. If only we were able to really tell when people are troubled. He seemed to have everything going for him. So sad. RIP
Winterhell February 27th, 2012 at 1:44 PM
JoJo, if he was, could mean his mental health was deteriorating. In any case, suicide was not a good solution. Poor soul.
GJ February 27th, 2012 at 2:24 PM
It’s sadly true – a friend of a friend knew Roman . . .
sxg February 27th, 2012 at 5:33 PM
boyfriend? oh that is just a shame. He had it all, a good business, someone who loved him very much I imagine, yet he still felt the need to end it all. It’s these types of suicides that hurt the most.
JC February 27th, 2012 at 5:35 PM
I myself suffer from a lifetime of clinical depression and we’re magnificent actors to keep our depression from being seen from others. You can be the most gorgeous, most talented, most successful, most nicest person in the world but depression has a way of destroying how we view ourselves – you have no idea how may depressed people I met (myself in there) who through their depression they labeled themselves such “losers, cons, stupid, etc” and actually believe as so when in reality they are the complete opposite! Depression distorts and deranges your thoughts and you view yourself and life through these unrealistic distortions. Its tremendous hard work dealing with it. You might do great for years with no depression then suddenly a trigger or a derogatory thought pops in your head and – boom – the depression comes back. Like I said before its work, its like a third job on top of your second job! I hope he rests in peace. I hope I was able to give guys out there some insight on depression.
jj February 27th, 2012 at 9:19 PM
Thanks for writing that, JC. Major Depressive Disorder has killed so many beautiful creative souls. It’s as real a potentially fatal illness as any other, and those who succumb should never be blamed. It’s a tragic death from an illness and we should grieve it in the same way–saying “it was not a good solution” winterhell, is totally inappropriate. He wasn’t trying to solve a problem, he was trying to escape unimaginable mental anguish in sadly the only way he thought was possible at that moment. I wish someone had been able to help him in that last desperate moment when he couldn’t see through the darkness. May he rest in eternal peace.
steve February 28th, 2012 at 10:36 AM
Agree. im in same depression boat & pple dont understand. Yore smart, funny, attractive, (have a big dick), nice smile – everything to live for…yet cant experience any joy or peace. Friends & family abandon you & isolation is crippling. Ill prob be the next statistic, but no one will write @me. I could be dead for weeks or months & no one would even notice
Rod February 29th, 2012 at 3:29 AM
I too suffer from clinical depression. I understand the frustration, but you can’t give up. Do the talk therapy. If one antidepressant does not work, try another. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself from friends, family and coworkers.
Tears are rolling down my face reading these comments. You never know what a person is going through. Even when they seem to have every thing going for them, you know if you suffer from depression that there is a problem with experiencing joy, happiness, etc.
Steve, keep working to get better. Roman, rest in peace.
Peter April 26th, 2012 at 10:00 PM
Rod, I am experiencing the same thing and currently getting help after losing about everything. I just left a crisis center and thinking about going back since, the medication they gave me is not working. Clinical depression is debilitating and it makes your views so distorted, you just don’t ever feel happy.
Charles February 29th, 2012 at 3:47 AM
Steve: Every single person is a unique, special being with good/bad, up/down. Everyone has special qualities that make them valuable to the human race and you are here for a reason. Anyone feeling desperate and feeling like making an ending of it, please call Trevor hotline, or
Bj March 2nd, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Thanks Charles
Pygar February 29th, 2012 at 9:01 PM
That was a beautiful post. I can’t add anything to make it better. I’ve been on Paxil for depression for over 10 years now. You summed up exactly what it’s like. I’m going to post that quote to Facebook if you don’t mind. It would educate a lot of people about the disease.
STEVE! Please don’t isolate yourself. Talk to someone. Take care, buddy. Peace.
AndresW65 March 1st, 2012 at 8:34 AM
Feel sorry for him and guess I understand what happened. I was also on clinical depression. Fear, angst and anger were my BFF and I had this nightmarish thought that nobody would ever love me again or be my companion (although honestly I’m good looking, quite charming, have work and do GREAT sex) because I am 48 and had a history with drugs (but I recover and have been clean for three years, Just for Today) that made my life kinda’ messy. All my life I had this feeling that a gay man’s life simply end at 50. Not by luck, but from hard work, now I have my own gorilla-bear that I love deeply (and he does, the same way). First do your homework, get professional help, take your prescribed medication by the book, DO NOT isolate; after that, love (from the inside and outside) comes and is a HUGE healer.
Nickinsea February 27th, 2012 at 8:02 PM
My condolences. z”l
daddycentaur February 27th, 2012 at 9:02 PM
Terribly sad news when someone is so lost that he or she takes their own life. Roman was one of my favorites when he was in porn. Rest in peace Dror.
John February 27th, 2012 at 10:30 PM
Oh my God,
This is so sad on so many levels. He was a beautiful, sexy man who brought a lot of joy to me and many viewers of his work in porn. What would make a man who seem to have so much going for him end his life in this way? I wonder if he was ostracize by his family for being gay and going into porn. Whatever the reason, my heart if very heavy and I hope he is at peace now. BTW, JC I know where you are coming from,thanks for your post as well
Tim February 27th, 2012 at 11:34 PM
This Deeply, Deeply saddens me. I’ve lost a family member and also a friend this way. My heart goes out to him and those he left behind. My heart is broken .
ClumBaby February 28th, 2012 at 6:35 AM
This beautiful man. This amazingly beautiful man. He will always be a legend in my book. RIP Dror. Some of us will never stop loving you.
nikko February 28th, 2012 at 7:03 AM
I’m always suspicious of suicides like this where the gay guy seems to have it all and yet takes his own life. Could it be the alienating gay culture that so suffocates a person as to feel lonely even amongst his peers/partner and ultimately, himself? I remember feeling this way even in the gay scene here in Montreal.
Matt February 28th, 2012 at 7:09 AM
I pray that he is at least in peace now. My heart goes out to all of his loved ones. It is a true tragedy.
Christian Owen February 28th, 2012 at 11:57 AM
Rest in Peace, you great guy! Sad News
Owen February 29th, 2012 at 7:05 AM
To all his freinds and family and partner, remember him for ever,, rest in peace mr.. also like to say rest in peace to one of my fave Matt Gunther as well , Roman and Matt are my all time fave. bless
david pendenis February 29th, 2012 at 6:47 PM
Rest in Peace
Ms. HipHotic March 1st, 2012 at 11:24 PM
I am really saddened by this news. I don’t watch gay porn but I knew Dro or “Ro” from a gym we worked out together. He was the NICEST guy ever. He had everything going for himself. I don’t care about the porn he did….he was just a diamond in the ruff. He will be missed. R.I.P
Bj March 2nd, 2012 at 6:08 PM
Dror, I am SO SO sorry that I never got to meet you….I wanted to, but who was I ? I loved that you were Israeli, and I saw in one youtubed interview that you had a sweet sweet heart and yes, like me were shy. I am heartbroken over the fact that the world lost such a beautiful man, both inside and outside. I have been at times in a place where I did not want to be in this world of pain and lonliness anymore. I will always have love in my heart for you, and will strive better to love those who are living in this hurtful world. In honor of you. Big Big Hugs forever my Friend.
dave March 8th, 2012 at 8:33 PM
As a man who is attracted to other men, Mr Barak is an ideal of virile masculinity that for many of us is never to be attained. This handsome, beautiful man created one of the most astonishing male bodies my eyes have ever seen. Those of us who pale in comparison, have thought how magical it must be to live in a body such as his. To think he suffered to the point of suicide is just incomprehensible. To his boyfriend and those who loved him, I ache for you and feel mystified that such a remarkable man would relinquish his life. How we will ever understand such suffering? May he be remembered with love and respect. He added much to my own life. Thank you for informing us of this loss.
E.Simmons March 15th, 2012 at 5:22 PM
How do you realistically convince gay people, that they have inestimable worth as individual human beings, when straight society negates that and when gay culture dictates that you are only as worthy as your youth and beauty, two attributes that are only on loan to you and beyond any sane, intelligent persons control.
Adult gay people need to step up and create a more mature and nurturing, non-exploitative, and non-selfish culture for the younger gay people that desperately need it !
Mel March 22nd, 2013 at 2:48 AM
RIP Bro.
I got to this article from FB!
I am not really shocked with the level of indecency here!
After all it was my choice to click the link!
Just my message is :
Porn Reduces the Mind, Degrades the Self, Deflates the Spirit and Depreciates Life!
Beware of Porn
bradgblog May 14th, 2013 at 11:24 AM
I just found about Dror’s suicide yesterday over a year later) and have been shaken by it. I find myself in a strange position. Who do I talk to about it? I went for lunch with my cousin yesterday. I wanted to tell her, “Listen, I am really disturbed by the suicide of my favorite porn star…” Obviously I couldn’t do that. Other people I have known who watch gay porn aren’t in my life anymore. Oh well…
I am horrified but not shocked by the insensitive things people have said about Dror and his suicide on the internet. IMHO, he was just about the sexiest stud I have ever had the privilege to view naked. The fact that he was Israeli, with his accent and all, was a huge plus for me, and the other bonus was that I could tell by his actions in porn that he was a big, hairy, muscular, studly gentle, sensitive Teddy Bear.
Different things make people want to end it all. Sometimes it’s financial, sometimes it’s emotional, sometimes it’s psychological. He must have been in a lot of pain to go though with it and my heart breaks for him and his family and friends. If it was the difficulty of living down having been a porn star, it is really sad, as people can be so cruel but there was, from his bio, so much more to him than just his body. People need to reach out in times of distress, as I know only too well. He brought a lot of joy to a lot of people he didn’t even know and I am sure, based on what people who knew him have said, a great deal of joy and love to them as well. I remember distinctly the first time I laid eyes on him on film as he was that Spectacular and I will always consider him so. Shalom, RIP, Big Guy.
Roman Ragazzi, Gay Porn Star And Israeli Military Trainer, Commits Suicide | MasterAdrian's Weblog July 20th, 2015 at 6:08 AM
[…] life as a gay man, starting a personal training company called Freedom Fitness. broke the storyyesterday, confirming with multiple industry insiders. The blog also spoke with Raging Stallion head […]