Posted February 27, 2012 10:05 PM by with 10 comments

Words fail. Roman Ragazzi. RIP.






RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi

RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi

RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi

RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi

RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi

RIP, gay porn star Roman Ragazzi
(Above images courtesy Raging Stallion and Unzipped Magazine)

Gay Porn Star Roman Ragazzi Dead After Apparent Suicide (UPDATED)
Roman Ragazzi: The Complete Gay Porn Blog Story Archive

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  1. Luke February 28th, 2012 at 2:05 AM

    Very very sad story.


  2. wtf February 28th, 2012 at 7:01 AM

    I’m going to be a cunt. This is a tasteless memoriam. If you took his suicide seriously you would not re-post photos from his porn career. I can look these up through google image search.


    • Mike February 28th, 2012 at 7:17 AM

      Only if you think his porn career is a reason for shame. We don’t. He was beautiful, and it will be how we remember him.


    • Winterhell February 28th, 2012 at 11:03 AM

      The general public, i.e. us, don’t know him from any other source other than his porn work (career is not applicable to porn, for me). Regardless, we should be thinking on why it seems so many of the performers seem unstable, and what can be done to help them in time.


      • Mike February 28th, 2012 at 11:12 AM

        I think it’s a mistake to think of porn stars as unstable. The Gawker piece on Roman hinted that porn was something that drives people to suicide.

        In the case of Roman/Dror, there was no evidence that that was the case. Blaming a porn career for depression is as bad as blaming sexuality for depression: in both cases, you’re blaming the victim for a medical condition that’s caused by a multitude of factors: heredity, illness, social pressures. When a gay man kills himself, we don’t wonder what it is that makes gay men unstable, or hint that being gay itself is a sad, doomed life. Instead, we focus on the personal challenges he faced.

        We should grant people who have shot porn the same respect.


        • David February 28th, 2012 at 11:57 AM

          I agree with that sentiment, Mike. I think many of the reactions here and on other boards I’ve been reading display a disturbing tone of self-hatred. I saw one post that said Roman was “…into a lot of DARK sex like orgies and sex parties.” That sounds like something from the mouth of Rick Santorum, or Fred Phelps. Since when is group sex (let’s assume the participants play safely) intrinsically “dark?!”

          I know we, as a community, still have miles to go in our fight for equality, but I thought we were LONG past the self loathing stage.



  3. Alfred Kane February 28th, 2012 at 12:22 PM

    When we look at their beautiful images, we tend to forget that they are human beings with problems and feelings like everyone else. We see many cruel and vicious postings on the various blogs and wonder: why are these left up by the blogger? Laziness, lack of sensitivity, or perhaps a deep-down hatred for the very subject matter that the site purports to explore?


  4. Michael Australia February 29th, 2012 at 2:43 AM

    Now Alfred that is an interesting comment. Since the dawn of time human’s have gossiped and passed judgement including on those who have died in anyway eg Princess Di was a so and so etc. They would never say that, well 99% probably, to the faces of the person or their family and friends. The internet has bred a new form of coward and yes I have done that too. Also, it is not beyond reason that many slag off Roman because they could not have sex with him, that plays a part too, but is often unrealistic as the person lives outside of the USA for example. The point here is that in this internet age where millions not thousands read gossip one needs to ignore the issues of those that post, overlooking their hatred or whatever. The other thing is I cannot agree that one is in porn therefore one will kill themselves. It’s not that simple.
    I suggest that you remember Roman (using porn name here) in lust, love and empathy and ignore the others who write such things because they are not accountable to Roman’s partner, family or friends. They are pathetic. Roman was not.


  5. Sammy February 29th, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    This is a very sad day to see such a wonderfull human being with both brains and immense beauty leave this world. We will always remember Dror/Roman for the amazing star quality he left for us!


  6. Jason February 29th, 2012 at 4:30 PM

    Very hot ass; very awkward face too, though.


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