Stop The Fear-Mongering of Michael Weinstein
Posted October 15, 2016 9:11 AM by Harlan with 0 comments
He’s attacked adult performers. He’s lied to our community. And now he’s again attacking Senate Candidate Scott Wiener for supporting us. The hour is here and the time is now to silence Weinstein forever.
Michael Weinstein’s has borrowed a lot from the Trump playbook with spreading fear, outright lies, and once again, he’s engaged in a smear campaign against one of our community’s biggest supporters, California Senate District 11 candidate, Scott Wiener.
As we reported on October 15, Michael Weinstein and his AIDS Healthcare Foundation attacked Scott Wiener for his advocacy for PrEP and his opposition to Prop 60 mandating condoms in porn in a vicious, disingenuous mailer.
Last night, he recruited Ex Porn Performer Cameron Adams, formerly known as “Cameron Bay”, to continue his disinformation mission. The candidate who has always been on our side needs our support more than ever. Visit to learn, donate, and volunteer.
Aids is a Cause, Not A Career
Monies given to AHF were done to so help people live with AIDS. Weinstein has spent millions of dollars given for treating HIV to support his own agenda: the passage of Prop 60.He has an ulterior motive nothing to so stopping the spread of HIV. Passage of Prop 60 would install him as the “Porn Czar.” This would be an official government position with a state-funded salary that he’d have to be voted out of with a 2/3’s majority.
He’s taking tax payer money away from schools, away from police, away from firefighters, and from ways to improve our highways. And spending it to have some weird job inspecting porn star’s genitals.” ~ Ela Darling, President of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee
He’s Risking OUR Health with His Fearmongering. In 2014, Weinstein began his disinformation on PrEP, infamously calling it a mere “party drug” as reported by Slate. As recently as yesterday, Queerty reported he’s now doubled-down on that by conflating the medical breakthrough of PrEP with illicit drugs, “It’s often taken in conjunction with crystal meth and other party drugs,” he recently told NPR’s All Things Considered. “It’s really a get-out-of-jail-free card.”
For Weinstein, the choice is condoms or abstinence. He wants to legislate the choice of safeguarding personal health decisiona not just away from adult performers, but from all of us.The nearly 99% effectiveness of PrEP is an inconvenient truth that hasn’t stopped Michael Weinstein from spreading it. Just imagine. That would be like the Diabetes Association coming out against insulin for only using diet and exercise to control blood sugar. It’s insanity.
As covered in SFGate in September of 2014, then San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener, “became what appears to be the first public figure in the country to disclose that he’s taking a drug that prevents HIV infection (PrEP) to help elevate awareness.
Wiener, along with all adult performers, and in fact, our entire community has been in Weinstein’s cross-hairs ever since.“People need to feel comfortable talking about these issues and not think they’re going to be stigmatized or denigrated if they talk about using it. My hope is that talking about it will elevate awareness about PrEP as an available and powerful prevention tool.” ~Scott Weiner
We have less than three days and 15 hours to silence Weinstein, support Scott Wiener, defeat Prop 60, support our LGBTQ community, and ensure the future of America:
First, if you live in California, you already know what to do. If you have friends and relatives in the state, you know what you should be doing: talk to them to make sure they understand the truth, not the hyperbole.
If you live in San Francisco’s 11th Senate District, vote for Scott Wiener. If you live elsewhere, spread the word and visit to learn, donate, and volunteer.
Second, continue to empower yourself
Follow #NoProp60 on Twitter
Learn more at
Legislative Analysis of the Adult Film State Ballot Initiative in California
Initiative Breakdown by BallotPedia
Donate to and visit the Free Speech Coalition Website
Then cast your ballot:
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Tags: AHF, Election 2016, michael weinstein, Prop 60, Scott Wiener
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