Breakthrough Study Finds No HIV Infections In Men on PrEP After 2.5 Years
Posted September 3, 2015 10:00 AM by Harlan with 0 comments
The effects and affects on PrEP in the gay community have sparked debate, fear, loathing, support, relief and outrage depending where you are on the equation. Opponents bemoan the expense, availability and rigid protocols. Supporters embrace the return of control over their sexuality. We have broken into disparate camps of slut shamers, Truvada whores and condom Nazis in the absence of an answer to the most important question: is it effective long term?
Researchers at San Francisco’s Kaiser Permanente Medical Center followed 600 men over 32 months and found not a single transmission of the virus. shares the details:
For 32 months, researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco tracked the health of over 600 people as they used Truvada daily to prevent the virus in a real-world setting.
The average age of the study participants was 37, and 99 percent were men who have sex with men. The average length of individual usage was 7.2 months. Members of this group also reported a higher likelihood of having multiple sex partners than those not using PrEP.
“Our study is the first to extend the understanding of the use of PrEP in a real-world setting and suggests that the treatment may prevent new HIV infections even in a high-risk setting,” he said in a press release. “Until now, evidence supporting the efficacy of PrEP to prevent HIV infection had come from clinical trials and a demonstration project.”
However, 30 percent of participants did contract at least one sexually transmitted infection within six months of the study’s commencement. This number jumped to 50 percent after one year. In addition, 41 percent of participants reported a decrease in condom use, in contrast to the 56 percent who said their use of condoms remained unchanged throughout the study.
“Without a control group, we don’t know if these STI rates were higher than what we would have seen without PrEP,” stressed co-author Julia Marcus. “Ongoing screening and treatments for STIs, including hepatitis C, are an essential component of a PrEP treatment program.”
No one in the study contracted HIV.
(h/t HIVPlusMag)
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