Latest Swipe At Hillary: “Bill Is Fabulously Gay”

Posted December 10, 2015 8:20 AM by with 0 comments

And this just in. Perhaps Bill Clinton “really didn’t have sexual relations with that woman” because he’s gay. At least that is what Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince would like us to believe. Given that Porter and Danoforth are credited with such literary classics as Hollywood Babylon–It’s Back and Brando Unzipped, the next time you hear their names, it may likely be in the next round of Pulitzer Prize nominations.

According to RadarOnline,

In upcoming expose Bill & Hillary: So This Is That Thing Called Love, authors Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince claim rumors swirled on the University of Arkansas campus in 1973 that the handsome, charming new law professor, now 69, was actually a closet homosexual.

“A lot of guys were warned to stay clear of him, fearing he might put the make on us,” a former student said of Bill, who was then dating but not yet married to Hillary. “I know he had a reputation for flirting with all the gals, but a lot of us thought that was just a cover-up to conceal his homosexuality.

clinton_korea“When Hillary showed up, a lot of us were still not convinced,” the onetime student continued. “We thought that was just for show because she looked like a lesbian. We thought they were pretending a love affair to conceal their true sexual preferences.”

The couple went on to marry in 1975. Bill, of course, had a number of alleged sexual affairs with women throughout their marriage— including the trysts with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky that shocked the nation during his presidency.

Lesbian rumors continued to follow Hillary to Washington.

Just last year, Jenny McCarthy suggested Hillary has “girlfriends” on the side during an episode of The View.

Right wing nut jobs Bryan Fisher and Lou Dobbs took the bait and collectively have called Hillary Clinton our “first senile lesbian President.”

This should be laughable, but it’s not. What this really says is that for ring wing propaganda machine in this very year of 2015, along with labeling someone a Muslim, the other “best smear” is to even allude that someone is gay.

That’s ok … I have some special just for them …

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