Holy Smokes! Guess Who Likes A Banned Book On Gay Parents?

Posted August 28, 2015 2:01 PM by with 0 comments


Pope Francis has balls. While his attempted defrosting of the church’s sentiment on being LGBT at the recent synod was greeted with about as much enthusiasm as there would be for say, Sarah Palin arriving at a global warming think tank, I admire the fact he even went there.

Luigi Brugnaro is the Mayor of Venice, Italy. Luigi Brugnaro is also a flagrant douchebag of the, “I’m not homophobic, I have gay friends,” variety. In addition to banning Pride events within the city limits, he also banned the children’s book “Piccolo Uovo” (Little Eggs) where all families — including those of the same-sex variety, are treated equally and compassionately.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the hate rally,
Pope Francis put his support of the book in writing.

As explained in The Guardian:

Now Pardi has found an unlikely supporter in Pope Francis, who through his staff has written to the author praising her work. “His holiness is grateful for the thoughtful gesture and for the feelings which it evoked, hoping for an always more fruitful activity in the service of young generations and the spread of genuine human and Christian values,” wrote Peter B Wells, a senior official at the Vatican secretariat of state.

The letter, dated 9 July and recently seen by the Guardian, was a response to a parcel of children’s books sent by Pardi to the pontiff in June. The collection from her publisher, Lo Stampatello, including seven or eight books which deal with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues (LGBT), was accompanied by a heartfelt letter from the author describing the attacks she has come under in recent months.

(h/t The Guardian)

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