Tom Smith, Nubius, Brody Newport, & JP Richards
Posted November 25, 2015 6:30 AM by Harlan with 0 comments
The GayPornBlog Gay Porn Star Birthday Club for November 25, 2015: Tom Smith, JP Richards, Brody Newport, and Nubius
Tom Smith – 27
He looks like an army recruit with the very American sounding name of Tom Smith — which means, of course, our birthday boy today is from Louny, Czech Republic. Tom Smith is a cabinet-maker “by trade” and a self-confessed motocross adrenaline junkie. Tom Smith is a veritable versatile powerhouse with 66 credited appearances.
William Higgins fans will know Tom Smith better under one of his many euro stage names, Jirka Mendel, as in Jirka Mendel’s Gang Bang. Tom Smith also donned the name George Kovar when appearing in TitanMen’s Summer Encounters. Those of us back at home know Tom Smith as the “snarling, sexy bad boy twink” in fluid rich titles like Fuck My Sperm Hole, Rookie Guys, and Piss and Sperm.
šťastné narozeniny to you Carlo Horkey, Carlo Horky, Cesar, Milos Mann, Erich Laco, George Kovar, Jirka Mendel, Tom, and Tommy Tyler. Or as we say back on our shores, Happy Birthday, Tom Smith!
GayPornBlog would also like to extend birthday greetings today to:
Happy Birthday Guys!
Today’s Birthday Astrology:
Those born today:are exceedingly charming–and some of that charm is quite kooky and endearing. You are a magnanimous person with a big heart. You’re fun-loving, yet you are success-oriented at the same time. People trust you. Your jovial disposition makes you a pleasure to be around. Broad-minded, you seek truths without fussing over the details. Facts don’t impress you as much as broader truths do. There is a spiritual side to you that is not immediately apparent. Famous people born today: Ricardo Montalban, John Larroquette, Amy Grant, Joe DiMaggio, Christina Applegate, and John F. Kennedy Jr.

John F. Kennedy Jr. (1960 – 1999)
You’re great year ahead: A Full Moon in your Solar Return chart marks this as a year of great personal significance, when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. This period is the culmination of a stage of personal growth and development. Events occurring this year may bring various developments in your emotional, psychological, or spiritual life over the past several years to a head. Relationships are especially important. There can be increased activity in your professional and public life, causing a conflict with your domestic and personal goals. There is little moderation in your life this year. Connections are made or ended; or your job focus may change as one focus fades to make way for a new direction. The year ahead is certain to be a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in your life.
Saturn has finished its transiting conjunction of your Sun, and the weight of certain responsibilities lift. You are likely to enjoy more freedoms this year.
You are more inclined to put your ideas into action than usual this year, and good energy is with you for debate or energetic mental work. This can be a good year to eliminate wasteful activities. You may be involved in frequent lectures, debates, and discussions.
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Tags: Brody Newport, JP Richards, Nubius, Tom Smith
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