How Do You Say “Hot, Bareback Daddy” In French?

Posted February 7, 2017 7:43 AM by with 0 comments

To say that Damon Heart & Dennis Sokolov have no problem making room for this daddy is an understatement. Bulrog has more than enough to go around — even these thirsty cum guzzlers like these.

bulrog damon heart dennis sokolov bareback“It’s beginning to look a lot like Noël.”

bulrog damon heart dennis sokolov barebackNo one’s anything goes to waste today. Damon and Dennis are flip fucking, sixty-nining, and rimsky-nining while Bulrog uses the closest available hole as a garage for his dick.

bulrog damon heart dennis sokolov barebackDamon and Devin appreciate what they have in each other. But they appreciate having Bulrog’s load in them even more. Smart boys.

[Watch Damon Heart, Dennis Sokolov, & Bulrog in “Young, Hung, & Raw” at Lucas Entertainment] [Check out the full review and watch the trailer at The Sword]


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