[[UPDATED]] Martin “The RX-Douche” Shkreli Was Busted For Securities Fraud & Is Now Jobless

Posted December 17, 2015 8:36 AM by with 0 comments

[[UPDATED]] December 18, 2015

More good news on this Friday! RX-Douche Martin Shkreli was fired stepped down from his company today. Unfortunately, that may give him more time to troll teen girls online. On the bright side, at least he’s not one of us!


[[UPDATED]] December 17, 2015

I am not sure if I was exactly a good boy this year, but this arrived today as a late Hanukkah present: RX-Douche Martin Shkreli was arrested this morning for securities fraud.

Scrolling down to the original articles below, you will see this jack ass has been on my shit list since September. My disdain for Martin Shkreli, the 32 year-old CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals who brazenly hiked the price of a 62-year-old drug Daraprim that is used to treat AIDS from $13.50 per tablet to $750 has no bounds. Lady Karma has a way of balancing things out. As Bloomberg is reporting “the douchebag” in now wearing handcuffs instead of a smirk:

Martin Shkreli, center, and attorney Evan Greebel exit federal court in New York on Dec. 17, 2015. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg

Martin Shkreli, center, and attorney Evan Greebel exit federal court in New York on Dec. 17, 2015.
Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg

In the case that closely tracks that suit, federal prosecutors accused Shkreli of engaging in a complicated shell game after his defunct hedge fund, MSMB Capital Management, lost millions. He is alleged to have made secret payoffs and set up sham consulting arrangements. A New York lawyer, Evan Greebel, was also arrested early Thursday. He’s accused of conspiring with Shkreli in part of the scheme.

Authorities outlined years of investment losses and lies Shkreli allegedly told his investors almost from the moment he began managing money. By age 26, they said, he got nine investors to place $3 million with him, began losing their money and covering it up. Within a year, his fund’s account was down to $331.

In fact, it is not only his drug pricing that has turned him into an object of public derision. He recently spent millions on the only copy of a Wu-Tang Clan album that music fans would love to hear and then told Bloomberg Businessweek that he had no immediate

AIDS activists pour cat litter on an image of Shkreli in a makeshift cat litter pan during a protest highlighting pharmaceutical drug pricing, in front of the building that houses Turing's offices, in New York. Photographer: Craig Ruttle/AP Photo

AIDS activists pour cat litter on an image of Shkreli in a makeshift cat litter pan during a protest highlighting pharmaceutical drug pricing, in front of the building that houses Turing’s offices, in New York.
Photographer: Craig Ruttle/AP Photo

plans to listen to it. He spars often on Twitter and message boards, parading his business strategies, musical tastes and politics; he live-streams from his office for long stretches.

Federal authorities could seize the album and other personal property if they can’t otherwise recover his ill-gotten gains. The Securities and Exchange Commission, which according to court documents opened an investigation into Shkreli in 2012, is expected to file a parallel civil complaint against him, according to people familiar with the matter.

Like Kim Davis before him, perhaps Martin Shkreli is about to discover how it feels to have his cracker ass traded for a dog-eared Playboy and half a pack of Newports as the new “gal pal” of cell block six. One can only hope!

[[UPDATE #2] October 23, 2015

Karma is a bitch – and even a bigger bastard then pharma-douche Martin Shkreli. You can get caught up in our originals articles below, but damn skippy I am happy to bring you this update.

shrikeli xrayIn a nutshell, Martin Shkreli, 32 year-old CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals who brazenly hiked the price of a 62-year-old drug Daraprim that is used to treat AIDS from $13.50 per tablet to $750. He was taken to task all over social media and allegedly broke bones slamming his fist into a wall after 2016 Presidential hopeful publicly called him out and refused to meet with him even after his $2700 contribution (see Update 1 below), opting to fund raise off it instead. Speculation is Shkreli photoshopped the X-ray to attain sympathy. Perhaps was trying to dull the pain from his $55M bank roll in August for the rights to Daraprim and his price-gouging stunt to accelerate profits.

Imprimis CEO Mark Baum

Imprimis CEO Mark Baum

Now for the good great part! Mark Baum, the CEO of San Diego-based Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inc., has spotted a niche for his company, undercutting pharmaceutical companies who’ve jacked prices on other generic drugs through the roof. Baum said Thursday it will supply capsules containing Daraprim’s active ingredients, pyrimethamine and leucovorin, for $99 for a 100-capsule bottle, via its site: www.imprimiscares.com. By contrast, Shkreli’s Turing Pharmaceuticals will cost a mere $75,000 for the same thing.

“We’re geared up. We’re ready to go as soon as the orders come in,” ~Imprimis CEO Mark Baum.

It’s not often I have big love for big pharma, but Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inc., I <3 you!

[[UPDATE 1]] October 16, 2015

This is a nice way to start a Friday. Three weeks I wrote (see original article below) about the douche-baggery of Martin Shkreli, 32 year-old CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals who brazenly hiked the price of a 62-year-old drug Daraprim that is used to treat AIDS from $13.50 per tablet to $750.

A full-scale internet backlash finally caused him to relent, but he did so with no remorse. In fact, Shkreli has said he will lower the price of Daraprim, but has yet to do so and told Business Insider it won’t be anywhere near the “critical drug’s” original price.

Today, the Boston Globe adds:
In an interview Thursday with Stat, Shkreli said he was “furious” Sanders was using him as a punching bag after he made the maximum allowed individual contribution, $2,700, to the candidate’s campaign, so that the two could meet and discuss their differences.

“We are not keeping the money from this poster boy for drug company greed,” Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs told Stat, saying the $2,700 will be donated to the Whitman-Walker health clinic in Washington.

Martin Shkreli is feeling the Bern!


Original Article – September 23, 2015

Daraprim is particularly important drug for AIDS and cancer patients, whose weakened immune systems are ravaged by toxoplasmosis – a disease caused by one of the world’s most common parasites.

aids drug price gouge

Smug CEO Martin Shkreli

Turing Pharmaceuticals purchased the rights to 62-year-old Daraprim.

The CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals is 32 year-old Martin Shkreli.

Shkreli isn’t just a regular, run-of-the-mill pharmaceutical industry monster. He’s a monster who used to work (of course) in finance, a former hedge funder accused of having tried to manipulate FDA regulations on drug companies whose stocks he was shorting. He was forced out of the last drug company he started, which is now suing him for $65 million. He’s also a probable charlatan who has claimed to have invented his own pharmaceuticals, despite his lack of any medical or scientific education. ~Gawker

On Monday, Shkreli announced a price increase Daraprim from $13.50 per tablet to $750 per tablet. His vilification was universal. He was tone-deaf and brashly unapologetic. Twitter was not having any of it. Here a two of my favorite tweets on the matter:

What a difference 48 hours makes.

After fiercely defending the price increase in various interviews and on Twitter for two days, Mr. Shkreli backed down a bit late Tuesday. He told television news networks that the price of the drug, Daraprim, would be lowered, though he did not specify what the new price would be.~NY Times

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