Vintage Gay Porn Preservation — AMG Needs Help!
We’re not the only one looking to preserve vintage gay porn. Dennis Bell, who took over Athletic Model Guild several years back, is trying to save the films of Bob Mizer from destruction.
Bell ran a Kickstarter campaign a few years ago to preserve the nearly 800,000 negatives from AMG’s glory days. Not only was it successful, it helped attract the attention of major museums, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA, which put on a major retrospective of Mizer’s work.
According to AMG’s Kickstarter page:
The original film negatives are still in the same film cans where Mizer stored them, tucked away in his original tomato boxes, although now in a climate controlled environment. The films were last made available to the public over 40 years ago as 8mm copies, but our remastering from the original 16mm negatives far surpasses that in quality. From Mizer’s original 3000 titles, there are approximately 10,000-15,000 actual film reels at the Foundation. These reels range from original 16mm camera negatives to 8mm and 16mm stock prints, to production internegatives, audio tapes and hundreds of boxes of short clips that were edited out of the final films. We will remaster and produce new digital negatives from the best source available.
He’s almost where he needs to be, so give a little — even $25 — will help protect our gay legacy.
Time Magazine’s Incredible Al Parker Photo Spread
A New Aspen: Why We Need To Save Gay Vintage Porn
Tags: Athletic Model Guild, Bob Mizer, Dennis Bell, Vintage
emma March 7th, 2014 at 10:08 AM
Fascinating! 0:20 who taught that boy how to wave?
John March 8th, 2014 at 2:49 PM
This is not porn at all, but art worthy to be in a museum