Our Top 10 Favorite Gay Porn Stars EVER … sort of
When Cybersocket Magazine asked us to tap into our gay porn expertise and come up with a list of the ten greatest porn stars of all time we were flattered but also somewhat daunted by this Herculean task. We know it’s sure to inspire lots of healthy (but civilized, please!) debate. After some heated back-and-forths we managed to whittle away our initial list of about 30 and come up with our take. Ask us tomorrow, and we may give you a completely different list, but until then this is our story and we’re sticking to it (for now.)
1. Al Parker (1978-1992)
Al Parker transcended the “porn star” moniker and became, arguably, the burgeoning gay community’s first celebrity. His simple, iconic style (tight jeans, well-groomed facial hair, muscles for days) spawned the “clone” look that was de rigeur for urban gay men in the 70’s. His entrepreneurial spirit — effortlessly going from star to director/producer at his own Surge Studios paved the way for Chris Steel, Michael Lucas, Owen Hawk and other porn star-turned-director hyphenates.
2. Jeff Stryker (1986-2001)
The advent of the video cassette gave Jeff Stryker the sway over a new generation of dogged porn pups. His perma-hard near-perfect dick — the man is huge — was enough to leave men panting, but it was his brusque, almost cartoonish masculinity and dirty-talk that set him apart. His reputation as a straight man — he never bottomed, didn’t kiss and always made the guys he fucked lick his ass — left fans aghast and VCRs overheated for well over a decade. And to think Stryker almost didn’t make it …
3. Joey Stefano (1989-1994)
The dark-featured pretty boy paved the way for butch bottoms around the world to get in touch with their prostates proudly. With a certain undeniable sadness behind his blue eyes, he remains gay porn’s own Marilyn Monroe, having turned to drugs to fill a lifelong void. Like the icon that he was, he lived fast and died young: As his career began to falter at age 26, he overdosed on a fatal mix cocaine, morphine, heroin, and ketamine.

Lukas in the mid-90s
4. Lukas Ridgeston (1994-2006)
The Czech face of Bel Ami for the better part of the 1990s still casts the same spell in 2006. He’s one of the most traditionally handsome of the porn stars with a rakish grin and hypnotic ice-blue eyes that are more befitting Rob Lowe than Robin Byrd; His cock and body, however, are the stuff of porn dreams. With Lukas’ help, director George Duroy created an almost mythical European empire where boy-men fucked in frenzied abandon in celebration of the masculine ideal.
5. Casey Donovan (1971-1986)
Casey Donovan starred in some of the first full-length porn films, like Boys in the Sand, during the early 70s as new mores allowed for greater freedom of expression (and sexuality) and the gay liberation movement hit its stride. The daring, hardcore porn loops of pioneers like Wakefield Poole made Donovan a legend. His fantastically elastic performance in the Falcon’s first feature-length movie, The Other Side of Aspen (against Al Parker) signaled the ripening of the young studio and cemented Donovan in porn’s gaudy firmament.
6. Leo Ford and Lance (1981-1988)
The two defined the blond surfer dude aesthetic that dominated porn in the 1980s, and their paring in William Higgins’ Leo And Lance featured some of the most unbridled sexual energy ever caught on tape. Their unrelated deaths just weeks apart in 1991 — Leo in a motorcycle accident, Lance from AIDS somewhat fittingly signaled the end of what many consider to be the golden era of gay porn.
7. Ryan Idol (1991-1996)
A tough-talking trade top from the same school as Jeff Stryker, Ryan Idol’s matinee idol good looks, feathery mullet and trademark g-string tan line firmly cement him — for better or for worse — as the ultimate 90s gay porn poster boy. An unabashed heterosexual once the cameras stopped rolling, no one’s ever pulled off gay-for-pay as well as he did, though countless continue to try.
8. Matthew Rush (2001-2012)
Becoming the first-ever Lifetime Exclusive for Falcon Studios is no easy feat for anyone, let alone Rush’s multi-racial ethnicity continue to challenge an industry mired in cliche and stereotype. With an almost pathological charm (not to mention the a body of a god and a cock that belongs in a museum), if anyone has a chance of parlaying porn stardom into a mainstream career, our money’s on Matthew Rush.
9. Michael Lucas (1997-today)
Cocky, controversial and oozing with European sophistication: Michael Lucas proves that you don’t have to be crass or cheap to succeed in porn. The one-time Falcon Exclusive and Russian emigre now owns his own New York-based studio, regularly appears in New York gossip columns and has brought a degree of heady glamor to an industry more often aligned with the gutter. Say what you will about Michael, but there’s never been anyone like him.
10. Peter Berlin (1972-1977)
“Porn Star” is a term barely adequate to describe the self-imagined narcissist with a Dutch-boy haircut. The auteur behind exactly two films (That Boy and Nights in Black Leather in many ways filmed his own life — his trademark skin-tight white trousers and obscene bulge were on display in San Francisco’ Castro as frequently as they were at the movie house (that is, every night). A startlingly frank exhibitionist, Peter Berlin exploited his own body in the name of art as much as he used the audience’s gaze for his own sexual satisfaction.
Of course, if you have any favorites you be sure to let us know, ok?
Lukas Ridgeston at 40!
5 Big Dicks I Wish Would Return to Gay Porn
What Was Your First Gay Porn?
Tags: Al Parker, Casey Donovan, Jeff Stryker, Joey Stefano, Lance, Leo and Lance, Leo Ford, Lukas Ridgeston, Matthew Rush, Michael Lucas, Peter Berlin, Ryan Idol
Anonymous August 14th, 2006 at 6:22 PM
I would have included Blake Harper or Johnny Hazzard over M. Lucas for the “modern” slot that needed to be filled.
BearDelBear August 14th, 2006 at 6:40 PM
Great list. But I’d have put Jack Wrangler on it.
Temple August 14th, 2006 at 7:24 PM
Peter Berlin? Pee Yew! Why don’t you check out Dick Fisk, Sky Dawson, Cole Carpenter, Aiden Shaw, Dave Logan, Danny Bliss, Jake Corbin, Eric Manchester, Lon Flexx, Rusty Samuels, Kevin Wiles, and Chad Douglas. That’s just a few who are equal or better than the performers you listed.
J-Man August 14th, 2006 at 7:32 PM
Yes, Jack Wranger belongs, for sure. How about Rex Chandler? Sort of the blonde version of the Stryker/Idol model.
candyass August 14th, 2006 at 7:47 PM
Zak Spears. Nuff sed?
johnathan August 14th, 2006 at 7:54 PM
what about:
Brent Corrigan
Sammy Case
Mason Wyler
Michael Brandon
Erik Rhodes
Roman Hart
Tag Adams
Colby Taylor
Grum August 14th, 2006 at 8:15 PM
Dean Phoenix
Eric Evans
Blake Harper
Zak Spears
Johnny Hazzard
Mike Branson
Jan Dvorak
Alec Martinez
Jason Branch
Chad Hunt
Grum August 14th, 2006 at 8:16 PM
Dean Phoenix
Eric Evans
Blake Harper
Zak Spears
Johnny Hazzard
Mike Branson
Jan Dvorak
Alec Martinez
Jason Branch
Chad Hunt
David August 14th, 2006 at 9:08 PM
The other famous BelAmi, Dano Sulik, and the Baldwin clones, Scott and Lex.
Kev August 15th, 2006 at 12:49 AM
Two words: Aiden Shaw
j.r. August 15th, 2006 at 1:45 AM
wHy no Mark Dalton or Zeb Atlas?
Anonymous August 15th, 2006 at 4:57 AM
Gay for the pay ?
Is gay porn better payed then str8 ?
TB August 15th, 2006 at 5:23 AM
Assan Ariana (Cadinot)
Hal Rockland (for the Stryker/Idol category)
Jason Crew (for the newer category)
Bill Henson
Mason Coxx (antoher newbie)
Anonymous August 15th, 2006 at 5:54 AM
Doesn’t anyone remember Bruno?
Timbo August 15th, 2006 at 6:11 AM
Whoah… Too many Tops on that list!
What about Kurt Marshall (retro), Jeremy Jordan (who actually looks like he enjoys it), Trent Atkins (ULTRA power-bottom), Tyler Gunn (ULTRA pretty boy), or Josh Weston (those abs speak for themselves)!
bigdillo August 15th, 2006 at 8:07 AM
Everyone on your list is, it’s true, a brand name. Let’s not forget, though, the major breakthrough, who apparently retired from porn at the height of his stardom: Pavel Novotny.
Leo August 15th, 2006 at 9:33 AM
For retro – John Davenport.
Anonymous August 15th, 2006 at 9:38 AM
None of them belong on the list. I am the porn king.
Anonymous August 15th, 2006 at 9:45 AM
How about jockboi uber-bottoms Chad Knight and Danny Sommers?
Nemo August 15th, 2006 at 10:38 AM
Only white men of course. Nothing else.
What can I say ?
Well… the gay scene, and first of all, the Californian Gay Scene is pitifully racist.
Dear gay folks, u should learn a bit about Tolerance from s8 people, because, it seems that some of them are really more open-minded that any gay man here!
How dare you claim Rights and Equality !
Rob August 15th, 2006 at 11:00 AM
eric fucking manchester
Scott August 15th, 2006 at 1:01 PM
We only get TEN? Okay then…
1. Mike Branson
2. Jeremy Penn
3. Ace Hansen
4. Tom Chase
5. Eric Manchester
6. Lucas Ridgeston
7. Kurt Marshall
8. Brent Everett
9. Joey Stefano
10. All of Dirk Yates’ guys (tie)
rob August 15th, 2006 at 1:25 PM
once more, with feeling.
Jett Blakk August 15th, 2006 at 1:51 PM
I’d go with that list, but I’d replace #’s 9 & 10 with Eric Manchester and Joe Simmons.
Eric August 15th, 2006 at 2:06 PM
How about Colton ford …
marcco August 15th, 2006 at 2:14 PM
i agree with this list, most of these guys are landmarks in the HISTORY of the porn industry.
JMinhK August 15th, 2006 at 2:21 PM
Cliff Parker
Michael Brandon
Jason Branch
Jason Hawke
Jeff Palmer
Kent Larson
Logan Reed
Jeff Quinn
Jim Bentley
Jake Andrews
Dave August 15th, 2006 at 4:08 PM
Ken Ryker — no explaination needed.
drommels August 15th, 2006 at 4:24 PM
what about:
Brian Maxon, Bill Henson, Scott Avery, Jeff Quin, Scott o’Hara and todays Marcus Iron, Sean Storm and yes of course Eric Manchester.
James August 15th, 2006 at 4:52 PM
Freedom is for everyone, even the people you disagree with.
dynamo August 15th, 2006 at 5:17 PM
Nemo, you’re fucking ignorant turd! Matthew Rush is black. And while there is certainly racism in the gay community and in the gay porn community, you didn’t bother to suggest one person for the list that you felt should be on it. Nice work.
Give it a rest you loser.
michael August 15th, 2006 at 5:50 PM
Of course the list is “top heavy” and predictably free of color.
With the exception of (token) Matthew Rush of course.
jon August 15th, 2006 at 6:39 PM
Matthew Rush is a Token?
Damn, you’re racist and retarded.
Anonymous August 15th, 2006 at 8:08 PM
not a token August 15th, 2006 at 9:46 PM
as a Black Man i find it more offensive than the lack of color in the list is when people denigrate (de-negro-ate?) an actual Black Man as a token.
TOFEVI August 15th, 2006 at 10:57 PM
Do the dates mean something? is Lukas Ridgeston (1994-2006) dead? when how????
iltman August 16th, 2006 at 2:03 AM
might I put in a mention for THE blond bottom of the last 30 years, Kevin Williams, not only a star of the late 80s-90s but made a triumphant return in the noughties. Kevin brought a passion for bottoming which simply seared the screen!
lukas August 16th, 2006 at 2:49 AM
Lee Ryder ….forever !
Pavel Novotny
Aiden Shaw
Ryan Idol
Al Parker
Lukas Ridgeston
Ray dragon
Eric Manchester
Matt Summer
and Blake Harper, the best for me!
Ten is not enough…
Trub August 16th, 2006 at 7:28 AM
With just Ten it is difficult.
1. Zak Spears
2. Eric Manchester
3. Blade Thompson
4. Al Parker
5. Rob Cryston
6. Dick Fisk
7. Aiden Shaw
8. The Rockland Men
9. Blue Blake
10. Danny Somers
Mike August 16th, 2006 at 7:30 AM
The dates are the dates that they were actively making films. Lukas retired this year (i know, i know: we’ll have to wait and see if it sticks).
gcracker August 16th, 2006 at 1:16 PM
Did no one mention Roman Heart? How did *that* happen?
Hard2Work August 16th, 2006 at 10:18 PM
Hey, gotta include Tony Stefano and Brian Maxon.
Weary of the Crazies August 16th, 2006 at 11:48 PM
Dear Fellow Porn Watchers, by its nature, any arbitrary list of 10 anything will disappoint many. But to brand this list, of all things, “racist,” as “Nemo” did, is childish. This is the kind of situation where race-based craziness reveals its internal illogic: in order for Nemo to find the list not racist, it would have had to have one or more black men (apparently Nemo would tell Matthew Rush that he does not qualify) on it, even if in the judgment of the editors those actors did not meet the criterion of (as I read it) “greatest of all time.” That is a tall order, drawing from this particular industry. There were thousands of white men, and probably a few hundred men of other races, necessarily left OFF the list, even though they each had rabid fans and perhaps made as many films as did the 10 selected. Besides, we are after all just talking about personal taste here – is one a racist if the several beautiful/impressive black porn actors did not make that very tiny cut of 10 of “all-time”? Would it be somehow cease to be racist if the arbitrary list was say, just FIVE actors? Or more so if it were bumped up to 12? The absurd accusation misses the point of the exercise, and reveals the narrow-mindedness of the accuser, rather than the other way around.
That said (ahem): the list seriously errs in leaving out Eric Hanson and Cliff Parker!…. But that’s just me. (See the point?)
Jake August 17th, 2006 at 12:20 AM
My list would simply be:
1.Roman Heart
2.Roman Heart
3.Roman Heart
4.Roman Heart
5.Roman Heart
6.Jason Adonis
7.Tamas Eszterhazy – Love the tatoos
8.Mathew Rush
9.Ken Ryker
10.All Randy Blue Models are hot…
Nemo August 17th, 2006 at 10:20 AM
“There were thousands of white men, and probably a few hundred men of other races, necessarily left OFF the listâ€
“Weary of the Craziesâ€, I encourage you sometimes, is the time of getting asleep for instance, to wonder the deep reasons why there are precisely a few hundred men of others races—black, asian men– becoming “porn stars” ?
Why ?
What does that reveal about studio’s choices ?
Good night & sweet dreams !
Nemo August 17th, 2006 at 12:52 PM
“Nemo, you’re fucking ignorant turd! Matthew Rush is black.”
Posted by: dynamo at August 15, 2006 05:17 PM
Dynamo, you’re fucking ignorant turd!
Matthew Rush is mixed-raced.
That’s strange, for the moment that an individual gets just a drop of black blood, he’s not white or mixed-raced, but he’s just black, even if his mother or his father is white.
Please, use a bit your brain.
I know that we are on a gayporn website, but please, if you got one : use it.
dynamo August 17th, 2006 at 1:48 PM
“Only white men of course. Nothing else.”
Nemo, it looks like your guilty of the same race simplification that you cacuse me of. Nuff said.
anothergayguy August 17th, 2006 at 3:35 PM
Here’s a Black man for the list:
Super sexy, and arguably THE Black gay porn star of recent times.
luigiitalia August 17th, 2006 at 4:17 PM
my favorite ten:
1. Pavel Novotny
2. Arpad Miklos
3. Gus Mattox
4. Lukas Ridgeston
5. Toby (Colt model)
6. Colton Ford
7. Ken Ryker
8. Carlo Massi
9. Zak Spears
10. (ex acqueo) Al Parker & Aiden Shaw
Frank August 17th, 2006 at 7:43 PM
Heres my list:
1.Al Parker
2.Casey Donovan
3.Jon King
4.Chris Stone
5.Michael Brandon
6.Jeff Stryker
7.Matthew Rush
8.Josh Weston
9.Trent Reed
10.Jim Bentley
daniel August 18th, 2006 at 9:01 AM
my top ten are:
-Arpad Miklos
-Blake Harper
-Zak Spears
-Rob Romoni
-Dred Scott
-Colton Ford
-Rob Collins
-Jake Andrews
-Damian Ford
efebo August 18th, 2006 at 5:15 PM
I think gay-for-pay actors should not be here. REMEMBER WE GAY, WE LIKE MEN. WE ENJOY MAN TO MAN SEX. When one of these guys is performing is somewhere else, but not there. They even have to use str8 porn to get AND KEEP the erection. Do we need that? I doubt it. That’s why I dont like people like Caesar, Billy Brandt, Jason and Tristan Adonis, The Rockland brothers, Jeff Stryker, Ryan Idol, Pavel Novotny, LUKAS RIDGESTON….
The only way one of these guys turn me on is getting fucked. Maybe I am sick.
You want a real bottom:
1. Erik Rhodes
2. Roman Heart
3. Brent Corrigan
4. Pierre Fith
5. Jan Fischer….. etc
You want a real top:
1. Fillipo Romano
2. Matt Rush
3. Kane O’Farrell
4. Derrick Vinyard…. etc
mikky August 18th, 2006 at 6:18 PM
-Jon Vincent
-Zak Spears
-JT Sloan
-Mike Branson
-Scott Randsome
-Travis Wade
-Joey Stefano
-Lukas Ridgeston
-Jason Branch, Dream Man
-Robert Balint
drew August 18th, 2006 at 6:54 PM
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
Travis Wade
titter August 18th, 2006 at 11:24 PM
my top stars
Michael Brandon
Al Parker
Joey Stefano
Aiden Shaw
Johnny Hazzard
Tom Chase
Ryan Idol
Scott O’Hara
Jeff Stryker
Chad Hunt
blknwhiteman August 19th, 2006 at 1:27 AM
Matthew Rush is bi-racial but get real how many of you really knew that? He can pass for white which is why Falcon hired him.
When did he become the first ever lifetime exclusive. I thought that was Tom Chase?
Nemo August 19th, 2006 at 4:22 PM
“Matthew Rush is bi-racial but get real how many of you really knew that? He can pass for white which is why Falcon hired him.”
Posted by: blknwhiteman at August 19, 2006 01:27 AM
EXACTLY “blknwhiteman”!!!!!
Would we imagine Falcon hiring a 100 %- black man or an Asian male?!!!!!
“Weary of the Crazies”, and all of you guys :do not pretend to ignore the general racism acting in the porn industry.
This list is such an evidence to prove it !
flyte44 August 19th, 2006 at 8:03 PM
I like black dick. I’d like to see more of it as well. There is an entire black category (as well as Asian) on gay.torrents.net. I get my fill there. Tiger Tyson, .. awesome.
bubba August 19th, 2006 at 11:07 PM
Yep, Rush is just about the whitest looking black man Falcon could find and still congratulate themselves for that monumental show of acceptance and inclusion. Funny, we get the stereotype of being sexual savages with overwhelming genitalia, but the PORN industry doesn’t even want to exploit that. Their sense of entitlement is so delusional.
james August 20th, 2006 at 10:07 AM
Well let’s make a distinction between racism in the industry (something that is so obvious that bringing it up is sort of ordinary), and talking about the best porn stars. Any list is by it’s very nature subjective and can never fit in all of the folk who deserve mention.
Jerry August 20th, 2006 at 12:57 PM
Well, I´m gonna make my own list…
2.- Tom Chase
3.- Mike Branson
4.- Spencer Quest
5.- Erik Rhodes
6.- Tag Adams or Chet Roberts
7.- Jason Kingsley
8.- Arpad Miklos
9.- Eric Hanson
10.- Colton Ford
Ric August 21st, 2006 at 4:45 PM
CHASE HUNTER anyone? He keeps getting better with age! I would love to see him bottom. How about my all time favorite gay-for-pay: REX CHANDLER?
Gabriel August 21st, 2006 at 6:58 PM
The list is terrible. Matthew Rush!!! No one would remember him after watching a LOT of gay porn. And besides their is nothing intersting about him. SO what if he is multiracial. He is huge and bulky, and does not have the body of a god. A greek god has perfect analogies, and Matthew Rush looks like he has been pumped too much. If someone new were to replace him, I would choose Dean Monroe. He starred in a movie having one of the highest selling rates in the UK. What did Mathhew do. Try and pull off gay-for-pay and got so horny in Taking Flight that he needed to get fucked! Legendary actors that have been forgotten are Chad Douglas, Kevin Williams (even though I do not like him because he is such a slut), Pavel Novotny, Blake Harper, Tony Stefano (even though only starring in two movies), Jack Wrangler, Kevin Dean (with that snake of a cock), and some other vintage gay porn stars. The good movies in those days are just not produced anymore. And the guys with breathtaking faces, bodies and beautifully-cut cocks, are scarce in these times.
youbetterwork August 23rd, 2006 at 8:54 AM
Chris Steele! #1
Chi Chi Larue August 23rd, 2006 at 3:00 PM
They are all stars!!!!!!
luen August 23rd, 2006 at 11:07 PM
THIS is my list:
1.- TED Colunga
2.- PAVEL Novotny
3.- ERICK Rhodens
4.- JULIAN Vincenzo
5.- DICK Wolf
6.- ARPAD Miklos
7.- JASON Hawke
8.- COLTON Ford
9.- MATTHEW Rush
10.- PIERRE Fischer
MB August 25th, 2006 at 3:06 AM
I have no problem with the list.
It’s hard to believe with all the comments you got nobody mentioned
the one and only DEREK CAMERON.
David Bourque August 25th, 2006 at 6:00 PM
Hello… What about Chad Johnson. OMG.. Furry jock, cute face, and what a nice one….
j August 25th, 2006 at 9:44 PM
My list would be:
1. Brent Everett
2. Dred Scott
3. Tony Donovan
4. Matt Summers
5. Lane Fuller
6. Jeff Palmer
7. Jack Simmons
8. Sean Storm
9. Rick Chase
10. Randy Cochran
Rex August 25th, 2006 at 9:59 PM
Kip Noll, Jon King, J.W. King, Derrick Stanton,Giorgio Canali, Matt Ramsey (AKA Peter North), Jack Wrangler, Rex Chandler, Joey Stefano, and Kurt Marshall all deserve special mention. These guys all had staying power in the industry. Also, I read that Ken Ryker is the top grossing gay star of all time, and yet he is excluded from the list.
Paul August 25th, 2006 at 11:31 PM
As far as racism in the porn industry is concerned I think you have to remember that this is a business. What you are gonna see is what sells. Everything sells. To each his own. Yes, the rainbow flag is a joke, yep. Through out the years the image of black people has been so denegrated and abused why would anyone find the black male attractive? Lets see, uhm, conditioning plays a part. So does denial, yep, that word holds true. I’m not going to argue about it. This is not even worth debating. What do you expect when the majority of pornographic performers are white? THINK! I could go on and on and try to make sense of it all but ya know what, people are gonna do what ever they want to do and believe what ever they choose to believe. Personally, from my own observations I don’t think most gay black men even want to be bothered with becoming a “porn star” anyway. That is probably why you see so many black porn performers being recycled from one movie to the next. It is all so….whatever. You figure it out if you have half a brain. I have met and exchanged dialog and time with porn producers in the past and alot of people into porn and if you could see and experience what I have you would know why the industry is so “unbalanced” ethnically. nuff said.
AR'NE August 26th, 2006 at 1:25 AM
Rudi August 26th, 2006 at 3:19 AM
How on earth can you leave out KEN RYKER? There is nothing like KEN RYKER!!! Anyone agree???
nilla4me August 26th, 2006 at 10:12 AM
It is interesting to see the comments about racism and preference. The more they change, the more things stay the same.
For the reasons cited, I would have to go with the original list posted by our author. I’ve tried to cull my own list of faves to no avail as it is constantly changing. Only some do I believe should be on an all-time greatest list, though.
1. Lukas Ridgeston
2. Paul Morgan (why has no one mentioned HIM, I do not know).
3. Max(x) Grand(e)
4. Gianfranco/Marco Rossi
5. Pavel Novotny
6. Dean Phoenix/Tanner Hayes
7. Bobby Blake
7. Chris Dano
8. Colby Taylor
9. Blake Harper/Jim Buck
10. Jeremy Tucker
Desslock August 26th, 2006 at 3:05 PM
That’s a pretty good list.
Don August 26th, 2006 at 7:08 PM
While all of the named stars are unquestionably great, my all time favorite “star” is John Davenport. That curely haired boyish cutie could shoot buckets for feet over his reclined partners head. He must have had the Charles Atlas of contracting Prostates.
mark August 27th, 2006 at 7:34 AM
Matthew Rush looks as black to me as Halle Berry does.
bgbrooklyn August 27th, 2006 at 7:41 AM
Danny Sommers! Danny Sommers! Danny Sommers!
SaintRichard August 27th, 2006 at 10:46 AM
The Best of the Best:
1. Johnny Rahm
2, Jim Bentley
3. Kevin Wiles
4. David Ashfield
5. Matt Gunther
Will August 27th, 2006 at 3:08 PM
1) Aiden Shaw, number one! So, so, so hot!
2) Pavel Novotny, perfect face and body
3) Lukas Ridgestone.. so cute
4) Rick Donovan…for his big dick and hot attitude
5) Justin Dragon.. another cute one
6) Zak Spears… hot attitude
7) Eric Hanson
8) Ken Ryker
9) Thom Barron
10) Blake Harper
Paul August 27th, 2006 at 6:09 PM
Pt. 2 In all fairness I forgot to mention a few other things that kinda make sense at least to me. But first let me mention a few of my own favorites that didn’t make the list.
Ty Jones, Randy Cochran, John Davenport, Rick Donovan, Kip Noll, Misha Medved, Petr Churavy (shave head cutie), Kiko from Got Milk (ever notice how when they cast hispanic porn performers they almost never give them a last name…hmmm), also Adam Young.
Now, I think one has to keep in mind that the largest population in america is still white people which might help to explain why there are SO MANY white boys in gay porn. Also, much of the material that comes out on the market in DVD and VHS comes straight out of Europe, that too has a big influence.
I am sure it is safe to say that most of the key player (director and producers) are white as well. People naturally gravitate towards their own kind I suppose. That probably holds true even for the new small time dot com entrepenuers in the porn industry.
I really don’t think that most porn producers, directors and actors are giving much thought to social responsibility when they produce a flick unless they are forced to (think 2257). I guess it is only natural.
Ever notice how they give titles to porn films with an all black cast? Let’s see…uhm…GANG BANGERS…uhm…THUGS…etc. Ever notice how they direct these black performers to act during filming…mean and rough, tough and brutish. I saw a video recently where one of the black perfomers was directed to act as though he is raping this skinny white boy. Nice and uplifting for the image of gay black men in porn I supose..whatever.
Ty Jones was the first black porn performer I had ever seen. I rented the VHS tape from a local video store some 20 maybe 21 years ago. I thought he was SO FINE! All he did was screw white boys throughout the whole film…they were lucky.
Sam August 28th, 2006 at 12:44 PM
I am outraged by this list. What is Jeff Stryker and Ryan Idol doing on this list. Wasn’t Jeff Stryker the star, while undeniably famous, was ashamed to admit he was into dudes while he was making a living by fucking them. He’s not versatile, he doesn’t kiss in his vids and he treats his bottoms like sex slaves and somehow all of this classifies him as a great porn star. And if your going to use his big dick as the only factor, by extension shouldn’t chad hunt and Michael Brandon also be on the list. On the subject of Ryan Idol didn’t he go on some guilt trip and gave up gay porn for some new found moral outlook,and you guys reward him with a place on the list, why? Because of his big dick? Plus why is it that all the actors on the list are white (with the exception of the incredibly hot matthew rush) and all at one point worked for the king of self indulgent, pretentious, clinical vanilla porn known as Falcon. C’mon any model from Raging Stallion or Titan could replace the guys on that sorry excuse for a list any day.
nilla4me August 28th, 2006 at 5:27 PM
need to make corrections to my own list! lol
bobby blake should actually be RYAN BLOCK. I like bobby, but he’s a little too gruff for me at times.
And somehow Eric Hanson’s name was left off the list. I should be shot.
aka nillachino
Palinlondon August 29th, 2006 at 8:18 AM
I agree with Rudi (post on 26 August)Ken Ryker shoudl definitely be on the list – probably at no.1.
FTS August 29th, 2006 at 2:33 PM
1. Zack Spears
2. Chris Steele
3. Paul Carrigan
4. Dean Coulter
5. Joe Simmons
6. Joe Davenport
7. Eric Evans
8. Michael Brandon
9. Thom Barron
10. Eric Hansen
Can I list 10 more? Or 20?
FTS August 29th, 2006 at 2:37 PM
Sorry, guys: How could I not mention one of the most fabulous porn stars ever, that should occupy one place on the podium: JACK RADCLIFF!!!
dannyboy August 29th, 2006 at 4:40 PM
It’s interesting that NO ONE else thinks Michael Lucas belongs on the list!!!
Gatorpool August 30th, 2006 at 12:07 AM
Zak Spears or Tom Chase should fill the void that Micheal Lucas filled. Was it because he (ML) directs now and finds the men of the future porn?
lloyd August 30th, 2006 at 4:34 PM
good list but here are a few of my favorites, not in any specific order!
Sky Dawson (oldie but a goodie)
Zac Spears (Yummm)
Blake Harper (what a cutie)
Colton Ford (goes great with Blake)
Tristan Paris (what a great ass on this dude)
Kevin Williams (another great ass)
Caesar (Hard Hat Gang Bang is an all time favorite)
Michael Brandon (gawd, what a cock and he really gets into it)
Lane Fuller (cute cute cute)
Jeff Quinn (a classic line of his…If your girlfriend wont fuck you you can fuck me!)
Jim Bentley (Again, really gets into the action)
Derek Cameron (another cute cute dude and he looks like a nice guy too)
doododo August 30th, 2006 at 4:49 PM
No Bobby Blake?
Ric August 30th, 2006 at 5:14 PM
I don’t feel race has anything to do with whom porn producers hire as actors. My lover and I have sent nude pictures of ourselves to gay porn studios, but we have never taken the next step and responded to their requests for in person interviews, mostly due to our Hispanic/Catholic upbringing which frowns upon gay sex. Our latino/black gay friends who are in the industry, say they have always been treated with respect and have never been forced into playing a role which some might consider stereotypical of their races. Perhaps white males are just not as “hung up” about performing sex acts in front of the camera as us Hispanic males are. I wish I had their courage!
knocky August 31st, 2006 at 1:56 PM
Am I the only guy who thought Matt Gunther was hot as hell??? He would be at the top of my list.
montex September 3rd, 2006 at 12:04 AM
Lee Ryder and Scott O’Hara should be on the list.
dan September 3rd, 2006 at 1:14 AM
Johan Paulik deserves a spot
geoff September 4th, 2006 at 1:11 AM
10 more major stars
11. Rex Chandler
12. Kevin Williams
13. Ken Ryker
14. Eric Manchester
15. Johan Paulik
16. Chad Knight
17. Aiden Shaw
18. Matt Gunther
19. Lee Ryder
20. Danny Sommers
unbreakable September 4th, 2006 at 4:20 PM
pavel novotny 4 shure!!!!!!!!!!
r f September 7th, 2006 at 11:13 PM
Johan Paulik
Scorpion (aprendé)
Tiger Tyson
naussica September 7th, 2006 at 11:34 PM
I kind of guessed Matthew Rush was multiracial until I saw a photospread for him in another gay porn magazine where he actually got more of a tan going on than what he usually has in his movies for falcon. When i saw the photospread, he definately looked more “blacker” than in his movies. I’ve met someone who’s been in Falcon vids and asked him about why there’s hardly any guys of color in it and he basically said they tend to go for the “A-gay” white chelsea/miami/palm springs/castro/west hollywood/circuit crowd.
For the majority of you, if you haven’t checked out really good gay porn that has mostly black and latino guys in it, check out Enrique Cruz, Tiger Tyson, Tyson Vega, and Cocoboyz. Enrique Cruz’s best known titles are Aprendé, Reloaded, Learning Spanish 1 and 2, and Tiger’s Brooklyn Tales.
btw, before ya start flaming me for anything related to racism, i’m black and keep a pretty open mind.
I do agree with some of the earlier posts that most of mainstream gay porn that’s out there is racists in the sense that you never seen people of color. and when you do see them interracial films, it’s usually showing off negative stereotypes. “Black guys just out of prison fucking eager white bottom boys” “Ghetto Latino guys from gangs fucking eager white bottom boys or vice versa.” Submissive asian boy getting fucked. etc..
Waterman September 14th, 2006 at 3:45 PM
My favourite of 2006 is Austin Shadow.
Elric40 September 25th, 2006 at 1:00 PM
(Young) Lee Ryder & Sparky O’Toole, (Bottom) Kevin Williams-Joey Stefano (Tie)
(Versatile) Lon Flexxe, Leo Ford (with Lance), Buster,Kyle Carrington
(Top) Rick Donavan, Lance (With Leo)
Honarable Mention – Peter North (He IS gay – at least Bi- no matter what he says now)
Also Bel-ami’s Ion Davidov
Markthyme September 29th, 2006 at 11:00 AM
Don’t forget latino and black:
l. Tiger Tyson
2. Viper
3. Romeo Castillo
4. Alejandro
5. Kaos
6. Bam
7. Peanut
8. Sexcyone
9. Gene Lamarr
10.Alec Martinez
I know alot of these guys are bi, but they have their gay following.
ced September 30th, 2006 at 11:15 AM
what about Tom Katt?
Markxxx September 30th, 2006 at 9:09 PM
Michael N. October 6th, 2006 at 9:14 AM
The main list seems to be more about who was famous, than who were someone’s favourites.
You can see from all of the other lists that taste is intensely personal. I have drafted my list with the men who have stuck in my mind the most, who I watched the most (and jerked off to the most).
Aiden Shaw
Bill Henson
Dean Phoenix
Lee Ryder
Michael Vincenzo
Chris Steele
Ray Dragon
Danny Vox
Michael Brandon
Tag Adams
Yes, they’re all white, but if I was compiling the list of my favourite men I have ever slept with, at least three of them would be black.
Maybe my dick just doesn’t like black men in porn.
Then again, maybe I like my porn a little bit slick and with good production values, and porn with black men in it tends to cheap and nasty production values (probably because of those same inherently racial (if not racist) decisions that porn producers make on the (perhaps mistaken) basis that black porn doesn’t sell in the same numbers as white porn, so they don’t spend as much money on it, leading to people like me not buying porn with black men in it. Yay for vicious cycles.
Maybe if a big studio spent a lot of money on a black video, people would buy it? Maybe they have and I haven’t noticed.
alex October 6th, 2006 at 3:28 PM
dear micheal n.
That the problem, people like you! I think the reason for bad black porn moves are black guys are not seem as sexy as whites in the gay world. And that’s dumb.. The fuuny thing is when i lived in Germany, german guys could not get eought of me or any black guy…I think in America colored people are not seem as beautiful.. And that’s sad
pornprof October 7th, 2006 at 12:02 AM
After much rigorous study…
1. Ty Jones
2. Joe Simmons
3. Rod Garretto
4. Tiger Tyson
5. Aiden Shaw
6. Max Grand
7. Chad Hunt
8. Sexcyone
9. Brandon Lee
10. Steve Hammond
hornyslut October 17th, 2006 at 4:07 AM
rainier October 18th, 2006 at 4:17 AM
hi there thats really a great pics.. pls im looking for a partner that i can love im bottom
dejatecaer October 18th, 2006 at 5:36 PM
dred scott is te one
size_expert October 30th, 2006 at 8:29 PM
Michael Brandon
Chad Hunt
Cameron Fox
Thom Barron
Jason Sizemore
Jeremy Jordan
Jackson Price
Kevin Williams
Jeremy Tucker
Jeremy Jordan
August November 1st, 2006 at 8:42 PM
I’m really surprised no one has mentioned T.J. Swann! Talk about a hot fuckin’ african american man & had a HUGE cock. He was one of the first black porn actors to be a star in the late’70’s & ’80s.
How about Austin Black who’s mixed as well & hot as fuck.
No Donnie Russo? What gives?
And why no Richard Reyes the consummate black versatile bottom?
I know there are others I’m forgetting!
Anonymous November 13th, 2006 at 8:30 PM
Kyle Mckenna! Totally one of the best bottoms ever!
felipink November 29th, 2006 at 10:22 AM
1.colton ford
2.pavel novotny(jan dvorak, max orloff)
3.Blake harper
4.jeff striker
5.arpad miklos
6.matthew rush
7.lukas ridgeston
8.Ion davidov
Ryan April 11th, 2007 at 12:05 AM
my top 10:
1. Zak Spears
2. Bobby Blake
3. Erik Rhodes
4. Eduardo
5. Arpad Miklos
6. Chris Steele
7. Francois Sagat
8. Michael Brandon
9. Jason Branch
10.Jack Simmons
Runners up for me would be Matthew Rush, Paul Carrigan, Flex Deon Blake, Pavel Novotny and Dred Scott.
joxu April 15th, 2007 at 6:05 AM
In my opinion
1.- Roman Heart
2.- Roman Heart
3.- Roman Heart
4.- Roman Heart
5.- Roman Heart
6.- Roman Heart
7.- Roman Heart
8.- Roman Heart
9.- Jason Adonis
10.- Roman Heart
Jean April 26th, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Peter July 2nd, 2007 at 9:10 AM
My mouthwatering 10!
1. Jose Ganetti
2. Sasha Byazrov
3. Roman Heart
4. George Vidanov
5. Bobby Williams
6. Kevin Williams
7. Derek Cameron
8. Steve O’Donnell
9. Max Veneziano
10.Pierre Fitch
Chris Termeer July 3rd, 2007 at 10:02 AM
I love to eat hot buttered cocks!
nite July 6th, 2007 at 2:52 AM
this blog is sort of racist,why dont u feature ethnic porn stars and why are there none on this list-tiger tyson for instance gave birth tho the immensely popular thug porn and brazilian rafael alencar has paid his dues but anyway…….this is ur opinion why shld we care!
Pitt September 2nd, 2007 at 8:09 PM
1. Eric Manchester (hot, sexy, slightly trashy, versatile)
2. Phil Bradley (the whole daddy/boy thing was hot, a versatile guy who knew how to bottom and be a man … nothing’s sexier)
3. Matt Ramsey (pre Peter North another sexy versatile guy … yes a theme is developing).
4. Eric Hanson (my God, he’s beautiful … and versatile! although didn’t bottom nearly enough).
5. Chris Stone (sexy, Latin, bottom … always stayed hard while bottoming, a huge plus in my book).
6-10. Any pre-late 90s or 2000 porn star … such as Jeff Quinn, Mike Henson, the new ones are all roided up and kinda uninspiring and shaved.
Nick Stravakas September 18th, 2007 at 8:04 AM
New to gay porn, Love it.
mike in montreal February 27th, 2008 at 7:46 PM
Whatever happened to a black guy with a huge dick called BAM. They made model of his tool and we never hear of or about him. Man that tool is really something unforgettable, always calling to do the job and very satisfying. WOULD BE INTERESTING TO HEAR FROM OR ABOUT HIM.
listik-28081 February 29th, 2008 at 9:36 PM
Anonymous April 28th, 2008 at 12:31 AM
didnt jeff palmer give an interview in 2003 stating that he had aids and in 2005 flex deon made a video with him?
pablo October 21st, 2008 at 7:57 PM
bill henson no one more beautiful
eric stryker great colt body
kurt bauer underrated
phil bradley what a great chest
jim bentley so damned cute
rocky armano fabulous muscles great ass
owen @ seancody gorgeous body bubble butt very fuckable
georgio October 22nd, 2008 at 5:15 AM
the extraordinarily beautiful bottom joel curry
richie October 23rd, 2008 at 5:34 PM
amen, pablo. i’d like to get my hands on owen @ seancody. i’d also like to take him home and do him good . . .
porn guy December 5th, 2008 at 9:48 PM
brad star anyone?
Rexxy January 10th, 2009 at 1:26 PM
1. Matthew Rush
2. Mason Jarr
3. Jeff Stryker
4. Jason Hawke
5. Roman Heart
6. Lukas Ridgeston
7. Peter North
8. Tiger Tyson
9. Mark Dalton (yummy, until he opens his cocky mouth)
10. John Davenport
jr. February 3rd, 2009 at 8:00 PM
billyboy March 22nd, 2009 at 11:52 PM
so many greats.but kevin williams and kevin wiles still get me up in a instant.to see them both together would of been a dream come true.
Tonnie April 8th, 2009 at 9:16 PM
1. Mike Henson
2. Brian Thompson
3. J T Denver
4. Bill Henson
5. Jeff Boote
6. Chris Williams
7. Brian Maxon
8. Kevin Williams
9. Jim Bentley
10. Lonn Flexx
Tonnie April 10th, 2009 at 1:00 AM
TONNIE April 10th, 2009 at 1:02 AM
Wash April 16th, 2009 at 6:05 PM
My favorites:
1. Dean Phoenix
2. Matt Ramsey
3. Steve Rambo
4. Mike Henson
5. Marcus Iron
6. Jason Ridge
7. Danny Roddick
8. Antton Harri
9. Evan Rochelle
10. Travis Wade
john plante May 19th, 2009 at 9:29 AM
For exquisite bodies, my favourites are, Dakota Bradford aka Bobby Cordova, no hotter little bod could exist, and Josef Phile aka Joe Fuller and a dozen other names, Blond, built, charming little nazi, also dead unfortunately. For eagerness in sex who else than Brian Hawkes and Dave Ashfield. It also helps that they were both georgeous and hung.
Grant H June 2nd, 2009 at 11:57 PM
Benjamin bradley is the best.
Luke July 21st, 2009 at 2:38 PM
Chris williams would have to be in there no doubt about it
Robert Patrick October 13th, 2009 at 9:58 AM
Must be a younger crowd, since I see no mention of the first gay porn star, Jack Wrangler, who created the very concept.
tdx3fan October 15th, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Peter North (he made his own industry in straight porn but started in gfp)
Tommy D 3x (yet another star that basically runs the business in the web sense)
I think the list should focus more on people that made a career for themselves in the industry behind the camera where the real money is.
Anonymous February 28th, 2010 at 7:38 PM
Most stars ffrom the 70s+80s today’s porn is hot,but it lax the elimant that your going to get caught by your parents ,if you know what I mean+and by the cops!
George Tait June 7th, 2010 at 3:47 PM
My personal top ten.
1) Caesar
2) Kent Larson
3) Parker Williams
4) Zak spears
5) Jason Branch
6) Joe Sport
7) Giorgio Canali
8) Karl Bruno
9) Paul Carrigan
10)Eric Rhodes
Justin smith July 13th, 2010 at 3:38 PM
Leo giamani
Rafael alencar
Kevin dean
These 3 hve amazingly huge beautiful dicks
N there’s so many more tht r. Better than those 10 guys they had
But these r top 3….I think
RtotheLO July 16th, 2010 at 4:23 AM
With all those lists I have to make my own !!
1- Jason Branch
2- Will West
3- Dillon Buck
4- Korben David
5- Rick Van Sant
6- Gus Mattox
7- Tag Adams
8- Tim Kruger
9- Aiden Shaw
10- Kurt Rogers
Dylan August 17th, 2010 at 1:06 PM
-Brad Star
-Dolph Lambert
-Jay Roberts
-Brandon Manilow
-Fredy Costa
-Pavel novotny
-Matt hughes
-Pedro Andreas
-Jirka Gregor
Shawn Payer September 17th, 2010 at 1:53 AM
-Blake Harper
-Colton Ford
-Francesco D’Macho
-Steve Cruz
-Jake Dakota
-Cliff Parker
-Tom Vaccaro
-Blake Nolan
-Edu Boxer
-Damien Crosse
sean bateman nine April 19th, 2012 at 5:11 PM
whoever composed the list sure doesnt know true gay porn
heres mine
hands down –
John Davenport
Rick donovan
Eric manchester
Carl Erik
Jeremy Penn
Kevin Dean
Brian Hawks
Trevor Knight
Mike Branson
Chad Hunt
jake andrews
DMH.DMH May 25th, 2012 at 5:54 AM
FORGET BLACKS, whites, latinos, etc, etc, etc… lets talk REDHEADS!!
– Kennedy Carter
– Blu Kennedy
– Adam Faust
– James Jameson
if you guys can help with more names… (Im looking for vintage ones) i would be appreciated.
francis August 17th, 2012 at 1:50 PM
where is Pavel Novotny on the list???
william December 27th, 2012 at 5:57 AM
Jay Elliott and Sage Daniels are defintely the best bottom porn stats………so hot…
william brown July 8th, 2016 at 4:59 AM
tim walker.kevin williams.cory adams.cameron jackson.dano sulik.cory monroe.ty cashe.morgan.kyle ross and eric manchester.
Dorian Gray September 24th, 2016 at 6:42 PM
Not necessary in this order, but this are definitly the greatest (gay)pornstars of all time, and because I don’t know any black gay pornstars by name here 2 straigt black pornstars who are definitly the hottest studs in the universe: Sean Michaels & Omar Williams
1.Matt Hughes
2.Kevin Dean
3.Axel Johnson
4.David Grant
5.David Ashfield
6.Ken Ryker
7.Casey Wood
8.Trevor Yates
9.Jeff Stryker
10. Chance (from Bel Ami’s “An American in Prag”)