My favorite thing to ask people is about their first porno. For those of us who came of age before the internet, the answers are a snapshot in time. So when the guy behind the Unabashed Queer fame told me it was The Bigger The Better on VHS, I asked him to write about it. You see, The Bigger the Better was one of my first pornos, too …

Rick “Humongous” Donovan
“My first porno was The Bigger The Better on VHS, which, like a fine Franzia, I purchased based on the box artwork. And when I say box, I mean box. In my recollection, the box/sleeve/cover for a porn VHS tape was bulkier than your average non-pornographic film; it insisted on indiscretion.
I was drawn to the effortless sexiness of cover-boy Rick Donovan, clad only in a wholesome cotton panty. Avoiding the cliché of the boy-next-door look, I’ll say he had the look of the distant older brother, the one deciding whether or not he preferred playing football or smoking pot. (Is this a storyline from Dazed and Confused? If so, forgive me.) The one who channeled his anger fist-first into walls. The one I fantasized would stumble in drunk from a party into our shared room and “molest” me (I sooooo wanted it) resulting in a multi-year incestuous relationship that would endure throughout his college career on semester breaks until he eventually moved to New York City against the wishes of our parents and found his way into the leather scene never to be seen or heard from again.
One in the list of cast members still stands out to me: Buster. Just who did she think she was with her one-name name? Jackée? (To Buster’s credit, TBTB just barely pre-dated 227, so Ms. Harry loses.) On the back of the VHS box is the image of an impossibly sexy blonde Rock Hudson-looking young’un plopped down on a toilet playing with his impressive member. They just don’t make ‘em like that anymore.
The highlight of the film is its opening scene. A solo number: Donovan masturbating to his own reflection in a full-length mirror. The ultimate in narcissism. Or self-love? I only wished I found myself so alluring. I wished I could jerk off to my own reflection without laughing. Donavan doesn’t even hint at a smile throughout the entire film. Neither does Buster.” — the Unabashed Queer
The Bigger the Better (free preview via NakedSword)
My First Porn Crush: Filmmaker Adam Baran on Ryan Idol
My First Porn Crush: Author Michael Musto on Jack Wrangler
My First Porn Crush: Producer Daniel Nardicio on Brian Buzzini
Tags: Buster, Matt Siegel, My First Porno, Rick Donovan, The Bigger the Better
James July 19th, 2013 at 8:56 AM
How can you not mention Shawn McIvan a/k/a Brian Hawkes? He’s the curly topped blonde guy in the last scene. Tops and bottoms, although I prefer him as a catcher. He looks sexier.
foreign shores July 21st, 2013 at 6:47 AM
Brian Hawkes was my 1st porn crush too, back in the day. I only had him in magazines and nearly died when I saw a video clip. haha
doug July 19th, 2013 at 10:26 AM
my first was a ‘preview’ tape- offered for 5.99 in the first gay magazine I got- a Manshots…the tape had previews of Fade In, Fade Out, Falconhead, Orgy, Cover Boy, Chain Reaction, etc- can’t remember off the top of my head- first time I ever saw rimming- had NO idea guys did that… :)
stranded July 19th, 2013 at 3:52 PM
I loved 227
John July 19th, 2013 at 5:20 PM
I was waiting for my discharge orders in the Navy when I was in Philadelphia, PA in 1980. There were also five of my friends/shipmates that were being discharge as well. We were in Philadelphia for about 14 days when we decided to see a gay porn movie at the local theater.
The movie being played was “That Boy”. I just remember that there was no dialogue, no talking, just some guy with a big dick jacking off.
Luke July 20th, 2013 at 5:03 AM
Oh what memories. When I was a teen in the 1980’s there was an add in Hustler magazine in the back for the magazine version of this video. I sent away for it and it came UPS in a cardboard cover. My mother had to sign for it as a package. So I got home from school and my mother tells me there is a package for me. Of course she sort of knew it was something xxx rated. So I go to my room and open it and tell her it was Newsweek. I was devastated. But the magazine of the video were amazing. Those Peter North cum shots !!!
Your article here brings back memories and it sort of was my first porno too :)
Jock July 22nd, 2013 at 5:00 PM
I have a copy of this tape, it wasn’t my first, but probably one of the first five.
My first was “Wrestling”…still have it somewhere. Back then it was all bareback.
GRPR50 July 26th, 2013 at 1:46 PM
Okay, is no one even going to mention the obvious? Peter North took it up the butt! Big time!!! One of Peter North’s movies was one of the first I ever watched, as I only had access to straight porn when I was younger. When I watched him take it up the butt (although he says it was cg’ed — wink, wink) in this, I almost fainted. Let’s say I was sore, sore, sore after overworking my bits and pieces. :-)