Matt Bradshaw, Ion Davidov, Rocky Charles, & Cory Evans
Posted December 15, 2015 5:10 AM by Harlan with 0 comments
The GayPornBlog Gay Porn Star Birthday Club for December 15, 2015: Matt Bradshaw, Ion Davidov, Rocky Charles, Cory Evans, Shane Romano, Robert Harris.
Matt Bradshaw – 50
Happy Birthday Matt Bradshaw. This 6’3″, 185 pound slice of the Bayou is a native son of the Pelican State. Matt Bradshaw was awarded the “Top of the Year” in 1996, just one year after having been discovered by Falcon. Credited with 68 appearances between 1995 and 2006, Matt Bradshaw is universally regarded by fellow performers and fans alike, earning him respect both on set and off. Some highlights of Matt Bradshaw’s career include Deliverance and Renegade for Falcon and the acclaimed HotHouse production of The Road Home. Happy Birthday, Matt Bradshaw, and thank you!
GayPornBlog would also like to extend birthday greetings today to:
Happy Birthday Guys!
Today’s Birthday Astrology:
Those born today: are versatile, witty, and often quite impulsive. Mentally restless, you are curious and easily bored if left without new and stimulating things to do, or at least to talk about. You are quick to take action, and often jump into new endeavors blind, figuring that you can pick up any pieces later, if need be. You can be accident-prone as a result. Very good-hearted, you easily empathize with others and while you tend to keep some distance emotionally, you readily help out anyone in need. You are a great lover of debate and any kind of friendly competition. Famous people born today: Tim Conway, Don Johnson, Adam Brody, and Alex Cox.

Adam Brody – 36
You’re great year ahead: When a Quarter Moon occurs in your Return chart, as it does this year, you are at some sort of a turning point in your life, in terms of personal growth. Events that occur this year act as catalysts that get you in touch with some important issues in your emotional life. Your emotions run high, and mood swings or identity crises are possible. There may be some kind of conflict in your life arising from a great urge to do something different. The year ahead promises to be a busy, dynamic, and significant period in your life.
Your ability to make connections and “tune in” is strong this year. There can be a focus on wholeness, well-being, and healing in this period of your life.
Your ability to express yourself and to solve problems is enhanced this year. You may have opportunities to travel, and matters related to publishing, teaching, and writing should go especially well. You are likely to be popular with others when it comes to your ideas and communications, especially as you are communicating with optimism and cheerfulness, and this can bring rewarding experiences and opportunities into your life.
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Tags: Cory Evans, Gay Porn Star Birthdays, Ion Davidov, Matt Bradshaw, Robert Harris, Rocky Charles, Shane Romano
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