Dean Johnson, Nicky Wells, & Giorgio Salieri
The GayPornBlog Gay Porn Star Birthday Club for November 23, 2015: Dean Johnson, Nicky Wells, Giorgio Salieri, and Luis Casas plus Robert Harvery
Dean Johnson (1961 – 2007)
Tall, rosy-cheeked Dean Johnson was a rather prolific player with 52 credited appearances in gay porn. Dean’s Johnson was most active int he early to mid 1990’s when he was one of the go-to-bottoms of the pre-internet age. He was also a musician, appearing with Dean and the Weenies and the Velvet Mafia. Dean Johnson was the “self-proclaimed rock-and-roll fag, porn star, party promoter and junkie.” He is recognized as being “the Queen of the East Village club scene” for almost two decades, famous a shaved head, ‘Jackie O shades’ and towering stature. Dean Johnson died from a drug overdose in 2007 in Washington, DC amid rumors of foul-play (that could not be proven.) Fortunately, we can remember Dean Johnson in happier days from three of his best films, When A Man Wants A Man, The Big Score, and Mirage. Happy Birthday, Dean Johnson, and rest in peace.
GayPornBlog would also like to extend birthday greetings today to:
Today’s Birthday Astrology:
Those born today: are interested in knowing the truth, and you spend much of your life, especially your later years, searching for it. A humanitarian, you have an unmistakably idealistic nature. Freedom of thought (and of movement!) are important to you. Your multiple interests stimulate you to branch out into many directions. You need to be careful not to scatter your energies. Impulsiveness is both a liability and strength, as courage is behind it, but when you set your sights on new horizons, you might be leaving behind something worthwhile! Famous people born today: Franklin Pierce, Bruce Hornsby, Miley Cyrus, Harpo Marx, and Billy the Kid

Miley Cyrus – 23
You’re great year ahead: Saturn has finished its transiting conjunction of your Sun, and the weight of certain responsibilities lift. You are likely to enjoy more freedoms this year.
Busy, busy, busy! The Sun conjunct Mercury in your Solar Return chart suggests that you have a lot to do this year. At times, you may feel like the pace of your life is running ahead of you. You can be especially productive, however, in all types of communications–writing, speaking, learning, teaching, and so forth.
You are more inclined to put your ideas into action than usual this year, and good energy is with you for debate or energetic mental work. This can be a good year to eliminate wasteful activities. You may be involved in frequent lectures, debates, and discussions.
Tags: Dean Johnson, Gay Porn Star Birthdays, Giorgio Salieri, Luis Casas, Nicky Wells, Robert Harvery
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