Born With No Penis, He Gets An “Addadicktomy”

Posted October 5, 2015 4:16 PM by with 0 comments

Well, if you think telling a new lover about your ex, or you status, or that you live in your mother’s basement is big deal, consider the life of 40 years old Andrew Wardle. Andrew was born with an abnormality that left him with an external bladder and a missing penis. While an operating when he was one returned to his bladder to its rightful position, four decades later, medical science has advanced so that doctors may complete the job.

Andrew will undergo four operations which will give him a fully working penis for the first time, formed from muscle and skin grafted from his right forearm in a procedure called an addadicktome Phalloplasty.

Andrew managed to hide the condition from numerous exes, including his unsuspecting long-term girlfriend Fedra. He has battled depression, and attempted suicide before sharing his story on a documentary to be shows on the TLC UK called “The Man With No Penis” that will air in Great Britain this evening at 10PM local time.

born with no penis

Andrew Wardle

“When I was a kid, it didn’t really bother me. I was good at hiding it. But I knew when I became a teenager it was going to be a big problem. I thought I was going to end up dying from all the drugs. I just didn’t even care.

“They told me they could build a penis out of my arm,” Wardle says the of the four operations he’ll soon undergo. Doctors will incorporate muscle and skin grafted from his right forearm to create a fully functioning penis.

While he has high hopes for the final result, Wardle knows it’s a slow process.

“I’m taking it one step at a time and not expecting anything,” he says. As far as going public with his long-held secret? “I’m at the age where I really don’t care. Since I hit 40, I don’t care what people think or do.”

The film, shot over 12 months, follows Andrew through life-changing medical procedures as he explores surgical advancements in penis reconstruction.

No word yet when the show will air stateside though perhaps the procedure could be reversed on Josh Duggar.

(h/t The Inquisitor)

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