Weekend Wank: “Roommate Wanted” Ep. 1
If you’re looking for a solid scene to wank to this weekend, look no further than the first episode of NakedSword’s “Roommate Wanted”. It stars Boomer Banks. need I say more?
OK I guess I will: Entitled “Beautiful End Unit”, Rey Luis is hunting for an an apartment in San Francisco’s notoriously brutal rental market. He accidentally shows up a day early for the open house at Boomer Bank’s apartment and walks in on him jerking off his massive, uncut cock.
From there, you can pretty much figure out what goes down: Rey is a smooth, compact little guy, which just makes Boomer’s huge cock look even bigger (something I frankly didn’t think was possible). After mouth-fucking him, Boomer fucks Rey so deep, you’re practically expecting his cock to pop out of Rey’s mouth or something. It’s insane.
Tags: Boomer Banks, Horsehung, Latinos, Rey Luis, Roommate Wanted, Uncut Cocks
just can May 9th, 2014 at 11:41 PM
EXCUSE me but this is ANOTHER (Rey) who can’t leave me in peace passing me by, which he should have done, pass me by in peace. WHY is this blog full of such harassment!? AND WHY for example years ago, when I exposed Brad Pitt’s behavior does this disappear from online, and your blog, and how much money did you get, and WHY is this BLOG another place where “homosexually” is degraded into such needs!?
A word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages, typically serving as a modifier of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a preposition, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence, expressing some relation of manner or quality, place, time, degree, number, cause, opposition, affirmation, or denial, and in English also serving to connect and to express comment on clause content (adverb)
Jack Shamama May 10th, 2014 at 5:47 PM
RuggerSF May 10th, 2014 at 6:28 PM
Someone needs to put the meth pipe down.
Jack Shamama May 10th, 2014 at 8:49 PM
seriously …
RuggerSF May 11th, 2014 at 2:53 PM
I’ve read and re-read his post and still cannot make heads or tail of it (adverb)! LOL
just can May 12th, 2014 at 8:11 AM
Well this is Espetto and redundant again
I just had a conversation with someone yesterday, who has multiple personalities, and probably uses something to relieve the pain, don’t think it’s meth though. And it’s strange you know, for some reason Steven Spielberg with his bony Methusalah attititude hasn’t exploited the poor kid and made a movie out of his life, despite being as adapt as he is transforming the Color Purple into a flick with chase scenes, sentimental sarcasm, the shock effect and such.
He (not Spielberg) brought up more Hollywood abuse, but this actually from a past lifetime of someone harassing me for sex after reincarnating (Mario Lanza). That’s different than Brad Pitt mentioning, so I could hear it, that he wanted sex with me but didn’t know whether consequently “she” was mad at him (and he hadn’t married or divorced her); while referring to me as “Vaslav Nijinsky,” who if he had any inclination to honor acting would know that’s about the last thing Nijinsky needs to hear. And you can see how well homosexuality globally is doing since, which Mr. Pitt thinks he’s supporting, and with his sensitive support probably helped proposition eight pass just going against it.
Just like the abundance of what you people put your money into, and ends up on this blog: White upper middle class guys who go to college for a different reason than what’s taught there, want to make a big show of things and might at one point have been involved with religion they think they are rebelling against, while being so repulsive that just as with Mr. Pitt, it goes the other way.
Don’t worry, there’s a whole list of people like Lanza and Pitt; all going the same way, equally famous, and you’re in good company.
No need to think you haven’t answered the question, why there’s so much harassing on this blog.
James May 12th, 2014 at 9:00 AM
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Need to see more of Rey. Make him the tasty treat in a gang-bang. That phat ass must be used right!