Oy Vay! What Percentage Of Young Israeli’s Identify As Bisexual?

Posted September 8, 2015 7:59 AM by with 0 comments

Alfred Kinsey came up with it back in the 1940’s: the Kinsey Scale of Sexuality. Exclusive heterosexuals are a “0,” while exclusive homosexuals rate a 6. At the time, 11.6% of white males aged 20–35 were given a rating of 3 (bisexual) for this period of their lives. The times, as present day pollsters from around the globe are finding out, they are a changing.

The Israeli website Mako in conjunction with the Panel Institute recently explored sexuality in modern Israel using the Kinsey Scale and the results were right in line similar American and Europeans research. “A new study establishes that one-third of all Israelis aged 18-24 do not defint themselves as totally straight. They Just do whatever they want with whome they want. You may ask if they are enlightened, coll or confused. The truth is, the younger theyarem thet less they really care what you think.”
bisexuality in israel
33% of those 18-24 year-olds identified as something other than 100% heterosexual.

If you are in search of handsome, swarthy young men who are all spend two years in the army, next stop Tel Aviv. If you are looking for young and uncut, Israel might not be best destination, but keep reading before you toss all those travel brochures out.

Internet pollster, YouGov, first decided to test the Kinsey scale as a litmus test for modern sexuality first in the United Kingdom. The results made headlines:
bisexuality in israel
49% of those 18-24 year-olds identified as something other than 100% heterosexual.

As I discussed a few weeks ago, when YouGov conducted the same research here at home, not surprisingly we were a little behind the freer loving Brits, but not by that much:
bisexuality in israel
36% of those 18-24 year-olds identified as something other than 100% heterosexual.

(h/t Mako.IL)

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