Tim Barnett Suicide
Bradford Wagner, 37, AKA Tim Barnett, a somewhat memorable 90s gay porn star, put himself on the ever-growing list of gay porn stars who’ve offed themselves by hanging himself in prision as he awaited trial for seven rape charges in Texas and Colorado (thanks Andy.)
Previously: Gay Porn Star Charged With Rape
A couple of readers have asked if he was accused of raping men or women since the article linked doesn’t say. According to this article from last year, he was accused of raping women. Was his suicide an admission of guilt? You’ve got to wonder …
I found these paragraphs from said article to be particularly eerie:
On Wednesday, police received lab results from the CBI linking Wagner to the four sexual assaults that occurred in and around the Tantra Lake apartment complex in Boulder. It at least one of the rapes, the suspect wore a stocking mask and surgical gloves and was armed with a weapon.
The suspect in the apartment rapes was described as a white man in his mid- to late-20s, about 5-foot-8, with a medium build and short brown hair. The suspect had no noticeable accent and sounded well-educated. The attacker also smelled of cigarette smoke, according to several of the women who were raped.
— Jack
Chrissy poo July 14th, 2005 at 3:31 PM
Man did he age horribly.
Probably one of the sexually confused guys who had issues with his sexuality and took it out in violence on women.
JImmy Hank Jr April 21st, 2012 at 6:40 PM
He aged extremely well. He’s even more handsome and hot looking in the later photo.
chi chi July 15th, 2005 at 4:18 AM
may his soul rest in peace – he was a good friend
viewer July 16th, 2005 at 10:34 AM
my condolences to his friends and family.
Anonymous July 17th, 2005 at 10:02 PM
no man should be displayed by the media in this way. may his soul rest in peace, and his name be cleared.
Anonymous July 20th, 2005 at 5:37 PM
His name be cleared? For what? Raping innocent woman? What a scumbag.
Anonymous July 21st, 2005 at 1:37 PM
its sad to see a man take his own life !
its terrible that chrissy poo has judged,condemned and made claims that are without merit and insulting!!!
rest in peace bradford!!!
fanboi July 23rd, 2005 at 10:20 PM
I was saddened to hear of his arrest (and the DNA evidence), and am even more saddened by his death. I’m thinking Chrissy Poo may have hit the nail on the head. I can’t imagine the warping effect being a notorious porn bottom could have on the sexuality of someone who considered themselves straight. If he was in fact guilty I still feel bad for him, but I feel worse for those he victimized.
ben July 26th, 2005 at 1:41 PM
I am sorry bradford is gone…sad that he felt the means to end his life…what a waste of manhood. Man, he is hot. i have seen some of his films, and he turns me on so much…i feel about his death about the same as i feel about Kyle McKenna. these guys had so much for live for, how coudl they give it up. I dont understand why bradford may have commited these rapes. Doesn’t make sense. He is handsome enough to get any woman, or any man for that matter.
He must have been in a rage, depressed, and just screwed up for some reason. Too bad he didn’t have a good friend to talk to and perhaps none of this would have happened.
Rest In Peace, Bradford….you’ll be misssed and you’ll be mourned. You made your mark in this world and it is a positive one. Good bye and God Bless.
jason quintanilla July 31st, 2005 at 7:04 PM
no entiendo como un hombre tan guapo se haya suicidado, deben investigar bien el caso. tim barnett es uno de los hombres mas bellos y hermosos de este planeta, un hombre perfecto, muy parecido a jean claude van damme. pienso que tim barnet era un hombre muy varonil, muy masculino, y era increible verlo en sus peliculas comon autentico pasivo. mis condolencias a su familia. al igual que kevin williams, joey stefano y danny bliss, pienso que tim barnett era uno de los mejores pasivos de la industria porno gay.
Harpua July 31st, 2005 at 9:33 PM
I grew up with guy… We were all in the same circle of friends… He was quite a ladies man in high school…
I was living with some friends out in Seattle when we heard he was doing porn… This was before the internet so we were a little bit weary of the story… But we found a catalog of porn movies, and sure enough, it was him…
I think his family life growing up wasn’t the greatest… We were all doing alot of drugs in high school too… But still, he was a really good guy… When I heard he got arrested in Colorado, all I could do was shake my head… I knew he always had a sort of Jeckyll and Hyde thing about him, but I never thought he would take it to that level… I hadn’t seen or talked to him since around 1986, but some of my other friends had seen him, and they said he was doing fine… I’m still pretty shocked about the whole thing… I really don’t know what to make of it… I’m not a pchyciatrist, so I can’t diagnose what made him tick…
I’ve seen some other sites really dogging him, and I understand why… I mean he did some really bad things to people apparently… But I just wanted to let you people know that he wasn’t a monster… he did have a good side to him. Like I said before, I’m still in shock about all this… I just wanted to put in my 2 cents cuz I was friends with him… My thoughts are with his family and friends lately… And anyone else who crossed paths with him in life…
Thomas Brock August 20th, 2005 at 9:05 PM
What a shame, to be so tormented, to have committed such brutal acts.
I am sorry he committed suicide, now we will never really know the real Bradford Wagner/Tim Barnett.
Helge (from Germany) September 5th, 2005 at 11:02 PM
I was shocked, when I read that Bradford Wagner/ Tim Barnett is dead. He was almost one of my favorite porn stars. Maybe he’d done some bad things, but I’m sure noone has gain to end up committed suicide. He must be very despairing and alone.
Well, it isn’t easy to say something about a person who I know only from films, but I never think he capable of doing something like a rape. Sure , I only know Tim Barnett, I don’t know anything of Bradford Wagner, and probably I’ll never do. But I’m sure he was a good man with mistakes (Noone is only evil).
May your soul rest in peace, Bradford. I’ll miss you. As Tim Barnett you’ll live forever on the screen and also in my heart.
CDerekGO September 8th, 2005 at 12:48 AM
You think that the photos show someone who aged horribly?? Jeez, I looked at both photos and thought that he was extremely handsome in both of them. If only all of us could age so well.
Still, I find it hard to believe that Tim/Bradford could have done something so horrible, but DNA evidence does not lie. What a shame.
tinkle October 12th, 2005 at 7:03 AM
was he straight, gay, bi or what. I remember he always had a hard time getting it up in his films. I guess he needed the money to buy drugs and go out and rape women. And for these people who say he was really a nice guy-that`s the same thing all of the BTK murderers friends said too. He was not a nice guy he was a rapist. He needed psychiatric help and now it`s too late. You can`t feel sorry for womeone just cause you thought he looked hot getting it up the ass. Jeez
Amazed October 13th, 2005 at 7:56 AM
What dreamy, romantic memories of someone who got fucked on camera for a living! He’s a RAPIST! Get it through your heads!!!
Larry October 24th, 2005 at 12:23 PM
It is sad to know that Tim Barnett did not come to faith in Jesus Christ and be forgiven of his sins, he has to be in torment now as he is not in the presence of the Lord. Jesus died for all of us, accept Him today, tomorrow may be too late. God bless you!
Jesus January 13th, 2006 at 2:31 PM
I don’t recognise you – you used to be such a nice boy. When did you get so big as to think you could speak on my behalf?
How dare you presume to know who knows me and who doesn’t. I know all and will decide for myself who gets what reward, so worry about that thing you keep doing that you know I want you to stop doing, and leave the rest to me.
I feel sorry for him…and for the other broken lives that surrounded his existence.
CaGuy November 24th, 2007 at 8:42 PM
What I find interesting is that everyone assumes it WAS an actual suicide. Interesting comment about the “ever growing list” of those who’ve committed suicide. One yes, two maybe, three you begin to wonder — sure it ain’t murder being hidden in the finding of suicide?
P September 3rd, 2009 at 5:08 PM
Brad and I were best friends for two years in Aspen until the time of the arrest. He definitley did live a double/triple life, because no one in Aspen knew of his past and he never confided in anyone. He wrote me a letter while incarcerated and told me not to believe everything that I read. I couldn’t believe the allegations, to the point that I thought he was set up. He was a great friend, a wonderful person and is dearly missed. I do feel for the women that he attacked and hope that they may recover.
RIP Brad
jose June 17th, 2010 at 9:55 AM
The people the feel sorry for him are just as sick as him . He is a rapist that is a messed up person.
jose June 17th, 2010 at 9:59 AM
The people the feel sorry for him are just as sick as him . He is a rapist that is a messed up person.
Jaroslaw February 8th, 2012 at 7:37 AM
I don’t think anyone especially men who are not Gay can fully appreciate what it is like growing up prior to the 1980s in our super-masculine USA culture. Every male was supposed to love sports, disparage the feminine, etc. I grew up in the 60’s and although I wasn’t a “sissy” I wasn’t tough either and my parents were actually on me in 3rd grade (8 years old) about stand up straight, throw your shoulders back, chest out. Wow.
So, no, I don’t excuse this guy raping women, if he did, and I certainly feel for the victims. The point is though ALL society bears a degree of responsibility for this. I hope my brief story can explain how many Gay guys can be extremely confused, depressed and everything else in our society. Some internalize (me) and others externalize their frustrations by anti-social behavior.
Pete February 9th, 2012 at 9:14 PM
Amazing looking guy. Many men have been set up by raping charges. People who hate people because they commit a few crimes that may not be as bad as you think (rape is now regret after sex and other nonsense). If some women were hurt by him I feel bad for them. Did women treat him badly or something? What would make him do it?
paul wood May 5th, 2017 at 6:06 PM
FoR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I}. Tim’s tough life could have been over soon, he would have faced his sentence etc. He was young and dumb like all of us. Sex can indeed be ‘dangerous’.. it’s not to fool around with. I feel terrible this handsome good man died at his own hands.. he lost it. Too young! I believe there was much much good in him. He will be missed. A beautiful soul tortured. Peace to him, to his family, and yes , to any victims he may have add. please forgive him and pray for his eternal soul. Sincerely