Gay Porn News: Lucas Makes Love, Not Whore
Michael Lucas‘s much publicized trip to Israel to dirty dance in Tel Aviv for his war weary countrymen has received its fair share of both commendation and rabid denunciation in the past few weeks. Lucas himself has noted that Israel is much more progressive than the US in its acceptance of gay military men and live sex shows.
While I admire his dedication to his craft and cause (and his the recent publication of his article on porn for the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism showed him to be insightful as well as just in sight), sometime’s I’m tempted to tell him I just want to get laid. You can read all about the trip on his blog: I’ve got dirty pictures of some of the newer Lucas Entertainment models that might accompany Lucas on his make-love-not-war adventure…
Isn’t this, actually, the long foretold Promised Land?
I swear that Wilson Vasquez‘s dick gets larger every year. Thank God.
Ben Andrews and Chad Hunt battled for the bragging rights to biggest cock. While he may not be Chad in length, he’s could certainly put some powerbottoms out of commission. Try and get that down your throat.
Ray Star always looks a little out of it — we have that in common — but I think it’s charming (for both of us).
— Mike
Did I mention that in the new “More Dangerous” documentary, the little recurring clip that plays on screen before you play the disc is me, bloviating? My comments are only so-so, but becoming an annoying, looped graphic on a porn behind-the-scenes DVD Main Menu? My year is MADE! Toot! Toot!