Marc Jacobs 2015 & The Latest In Designer Slut-Shaming
Posted October 27, 2015 12:20 PM by Harlan with 2 comments
ICYMI back in July when designer Marc Jacobs posted then quickly deleted this ass picture to his Instagram with a touch of peen poking through on the side:

Marc Jacobs and Harry Louis
That was then,this is now and once again, it’s open-season on the open designer. No more so than at the New York Post and their Page 6 which has taken him to task in twio lurid sounding headlines. The first was this past Sunday:
You can click on the image to read to full article but the takeaway from the 1,908 word tome can be boiled down to one line, “All is not well in the house of Marc Jacobs.”
Yesterday, things then got rabidly salacious at Page 6:
When a piece is penned entirely on the basis of unnamed sources, suspicion is advised — even though that has never stopped Page 6:

Lorenzo Martone and Marc Jacobs
Sources told Page Six the single designer hosted an orgy over the weekend with up to 10 people, whom he invited via Grindr.
A source who claimed to have attended the all-male flesh bacchanal told us Jacobs sent guests a shirtless shot, seemingly posing in a walk-in closet, showing his washboard abs — plus two more pics with no pants from the side and back.
“Everyone was in their 20s,” said the source, who claimed the party raged at Jacobs’ home and lasted from the weekend into Sunday morning.
But “people weren’t as good-looking as I expected,” the source sighed. “I expected Lorenzo Martone beautiful. They were average, chill people who didn’t have any attitude, which was really nice.” That is nice at an orgy!
That same source said some guests at the party were using GHB and crystal meth. Jacobs is reportedly sober.
Apparently, Marc Jacobs has had enough, at least for now:
Yup. I'm gay. Sometimes I enjoy sex. Sometimes! #stillonlyhuman #callmemarc #yourstotry…maybe.
A photo posted by Marc Jacobs (@themarcjacobs) on
adding this this morning:
Wild??? I’d say “MILD”. And to whichever guest benefitted from calling this misinformation into the Post, I only wish you good health, happiness, and a long life to enjoy taking advantage of the kindness of strangers and talking shit about others. #reallyqueen?
and one more for the Gipper:
An open letter to MAUREEN CALLAHAN Girl, I think I understand your pain. You’re a sick woman. It must be such a sad, unfulfilling and lonely existence to get paid for “writing” (I use the term loosely) an article put together from out of context information “written” by other journalists over a period of time, for different periodicals, in different countries. I can’t even imagine your suffering having made a life and name working for what has to be the worlds worst, trashiest, and most irresponsible of “newspapers” (LOL)! I can imagine the powerful and fulfilling feeling you must feel with each piece you “write” that helps yourself and your readers feel better about their lives by putting down others who are so fortunate as to have been blessed with a genuine passion for creation. Those creative individuals who like everyone else has feelings, a sexual appetite, “issues”, character defects, and professional ups and downs. If you were a real writer and not the parasite feeding off of the successes and failures of others I wouldn’t bother writing my thoughts here. I do feel sorry for you. Please know you are in my prayers. I hope you will someday find something, somewhere that gives you pleasure…and not at another’s expense. Should that moment happen for you, please don’t thank me. I only wish the best for everyone. Even you. Sincerely and disrespectfully, Marc (Jacobs).
I do believe if you are not part of the problem, you are part of the solution. Why I am extending the reach of NY Post innuendo beyond the five boroughs if I am not trying to glean my own share of clicks from the scandal? A very good question for which I have a very good answer.
Marc Jacobs is indeed a public figure who has cultivated a highly charged sexual public persona. Public scrutiny and being a public figure indeed go hand in hand. The public expose on his business Sunday was fair game. But unless the NY Post has gone through every Gotham hook-up initiated via Grindr last weekend, then I am going to call the Grindr-orgy troupe for what it is: celebrity slut-shaming for headlines.
If he did have said orgy, all the power to him. Even if he didn’t, he is truly making the proverbial silk purse out of a sow’s rear.
I think they sum it quite well at The Daily Beast:
But maybe by being open about the whole thing instead of letting it turn into a scandal, the way it would with just about any other celebrity, he’s normalizing it. Well, as much as a 10-person orgy can be normalized.
But if Jacobs is not normalizing orgies, he is normalizing sex, specifically unabashed sex. Even more specifically, gay sex. That’s remarkable and rare. And maybe kind of cool?
Orgies aren’t everyone’s thing. But sex is. Marc Jacobs is at least letting us own that a little bit more.
After all, the most important designer genes are the ones that made us gay!
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Tags: Harry Louis, instagram, Jason Preston, Marc Jacobs, Page 6, slut shaming
Will October 27th, 2015 at 2:03 PM
And who among us wouldn’t of not wanted to been invited let alone attended?
BTW when did “weekend” become a start time, and Sunday get kicked out of being part of the weekend?
Hman October 27th, 2015 at 6:37 PM
Oh to have been a fly on that wall most indeed!