Gay Porn Star Jessie Colter Kicked Out of Water Park
Will the indignities porn stars suffer ever end? Ass-tastic Gay porn star Jessie Colter was threatened with arrest and almost kicked out of the “Kentucky Kingdom” water park over this past July 4th weekend for doing little more than wearing a pair of red Speedos.
According to Frontiers and Jessie’s Twitter, a Louisville police officer who called him “queer” and threatened to arrest him if he didn’t leave the park. Despite being seemingly have been mistreated by the Louisville Police, you have to admit Jessie’s got balls for showing up to a water park wearing in just this:

Jessie modeling the controversial Speedos in question
Jessie chose to leave the park on his own accord and took to twitter to try to get the word out:
Tweet @WHAS11 to help get my story out about being threatened with arrest for wearing brief trunks 2 water park & being called queer by LMPD
— Jessie Colter (@jessiecolterxxx) July 7, 2014
Queer Fever found the following tweet from an eyewitness who watched the Kentucky Kingdom incident go down:
Today I witnessed a man get kicked out of Kentucky Kingdom for wearing a Speedo . Society needs to calm tf down. — Jenna Franch (@JennaFrench1) July 7, 2014
The following dress code is posted on the Kentucky Kingdom website:
Guests must wear shirts and shoes at all times while at Kentucky Kingdom, except when inside the Hurricane Bay water park.Proper swimming attire is required at Hurricane Bay. For their own safety, guests may not swim in cut-offs or other clothing with rivets, zippers, or buckles.
Kentucky Kingdom is a family-friendly theme park and reserves the right to determine whether a guest’s attire is appropriate.
Was Jessie being treated unfairly by being asked to leave? Do you think his Speedo is “family friendly”? Would you ever go to a theme park called “Kentucky Kingdom”?
Anywho, here’s Jessie Colter getting fucked by D.O.
[Watch full scene here]
And here’s Jesse getting fucked by Zeb Atlas on Str8 to Gay:
Tags: Gay porn star discrimination, Jessie Colter, Speedos, Waterparks
Jeff July 10th, 2014 at 6:24 PM
IMHO, those trunks are not family friendly.
It’s their private establishment, so they can decide the rules.
DJ July 11th, 2014 at 2:38 AM
America needs to get over this prudish shit! Every Man wears speedos in European countries. PS If it was a woman in a bikini would she have been treated the same?
luke July 11th, 2014 at 5:31 AM
A private place can set a dress code. I don’t mind the speedo but I would have thrown him out for the horrible tattoos. But let this serve as a reminder….Kentucky is not San Francisco.
luke July 11th, 2014 at 5:35 AM
One more point. The police only to respond to businesses that request someone be removed from their property. So most of the attention should not be on the police but the water park. The police must do their job and get you to leave if the business says so.
luke July 11th, 2014 at 5:36 AM
Sorry, just another point. This calls for a speedo bomb. It would be so funny if 50 gay guys showed up in speedos this weekend!
James July 17th, 2014 at 9:19 PM
I draw the line at calling him a queer, for sure.
Blogzilla August 11th, 2014 at 5:31 PM
First of all those are not trunks, it’s a bikini. However I don’t understand the USA. In Europe people wouldn’t even look twice a this. We have Calvin Klein ads that are more revealing than this.
Mike H September 17th, 2014 at 2:44 PM
Jessie needs to adhere to the dress code. That is why the hubby and I go to the gay beach. We can show off our Speedos and gym bodies unlike in a family park! Rather be around a bunch of gay men anyway instead of a bunch of screaming rugrats!
Andrew Sims October 30th, 2014 at 9:21 PM
Don’t be crazy! What the fuck is the issue here in the US about speedos?? They are perfectly legal, perfectly family friendly,people are ridiculous how they place sexual inappropriate contexts over anything like a speedo? So Cycling shorts and Bulges in running tights are fine though? LOL Seriously I would’ve sued the park and the officers.
Marty December 4th, 2014 at 12:34 AM
Zeb Atlas is a real person??