Gay Porn First Look: Titan’s “Folsom Undercover”
The filth and the feculent of Folsom may be a nothing more than a nasty hangover for the lucky 400,000 or so who made it to SF last weekend for the fair, but for everyone else this is the Titan’s newest Folsom-themed shock-and-awe flick Folsom Undercover.
For those afraid that they’ve already pushed that envelope over the fucking cliff by now … don’t worry; there’s still plenty of terrifying new ground to be covered. Take Titus, for example who one-ups Francois Sagat’s chicken-shit scalp tattoo by having practically his ENTIRE FACE tattooed:
Of course, we’re just getting started …
Wait, first one more of Titus, just in case you were thinking this was all just make-up …
Nothing’s shocking? Dean Flynn gets electro’d while taking Eduardo’s cock.
And fuck him ’til he pops cums!
It’s a bird, it’s a plane … it’s god-like Dirk Jager playing some sort of leather super hero, perhaps?
Tony Buff and Frank Philipp and … I hope that’s just wax they’re dousing each other in.
Watch or Buy “Folsom Undercover” from
Stream “Folsom Undercover” at Naked Sword
Watch Titan’s other filthy Folsom-themed films on NakedSword
Tags: Dean Flynn, Dirk Jager, Eduardo, Folsom Undercover, Titan Media, Titus, Tony Buff
SCOTT October 3rd, 2008 at 1:43 PM
J² October 3rd, 2008 at 1:47 PM
First, lets call the fair by its more appropriate name, the Titan-som Street Fair. The current incarnation bares little resemblence to the Folsom Street Fairs of the past. Titan is destroying the fair, now sanitized for your… protection? What’s next, children in leather harnesses riding in decked-out strollers?
Second, enough with the creepy skull tattoos. They weren’t hot on Sagat, and they’re even worse on this freak.
Third, what is Folsom-ish about fucking in the woods, even with electrodes?
It’s too bad. Folsom was a great fair, and a San Francisco tradition that has veered way off course. The only objective anymore seems to be the opportunity for Titan to sell movies.
Anonymous October 3rd, 2008 at 2:17 PM
That tattoo screams “I NEED ATTENTION”…
Jonathan October 3rd, 2008 at 6:13 PM
Those tattoos are horrendous and I’m a fan of tattoos on myself and guys too.
Cranky October 3rd, 2008 at 8:44 PM
That head tattoo just makes me laugh and I love tattos. one half arm tattoo would have been hot. 2 is silly.
And then throwing star Pasties on his tits???
did he really think this through?
VK October 3rd, 2008 at 9:26 PM
Each to his own, but I found this Titus character fucking hot in a strange way.
Peter October 3rd, 2008 at 9:52 PM
Why in god’s name would someone mutilated their faces? It looks positively scary. How does he go out in public like that?
Mark October 3rd, 2008 at 9:57 PM
Sagat’s tattoo is okay, but this one is one of the worst ever. Absolutely revolting.
sandman October 4th, 2008 at 3:27 AM
Whoa… that guy/thing{?} is nauseating, disgusting; anyone who thinks he’s hot should see a doctor.
Kris October 4th, 2008 at 7:00 AM
One tattoo,two tattoos OK
But honestly when I wanna see a man naked ; I wanna see some skin.
Those hideous arm-length tattoos…some guys sport.
Nobody looks like they’re naked anymore…
Plus that poor guy will look awful as a 60 year old man…
gloris October 4th, 2008 at 3:24 PM
that bottom they are fucking has a small dick. that’s rare in porn! it’s kind of hot actually i do have a small cock fetish. [i wonder if there is a site for that?] oh well, until i find one, i’ll just keep looking at this. and fratpad! lol!
Kenneth October 4th, 2008 at 8:20 PM
This flick is gonna be hot, as most of Titan films are.
I’m just gonna skip the scene where that idiot with that stupid tattoo appears. Ew, that’s just so wrong. Nasty.
ErikS October 4th, 2008 at 9:31 PM
You really have to be committed to being a total idiot to have that tatoo job.
Hope your predicted brief porn career comes with a good retirement plan. Good luck getting a job with that all over you.
Anonymous October 5th, 2008 at 4:44 PM
I wonder what Titus Mother thinks…. its almost like a gay porn version of “The Hills have eyes…”
Jake October 6th, 2008 at 6:45 AM
The only thing that looks good here is the hog tied twink
Ric Dickulous October 6th, 2008 at 2:06 PM
Larry October 6th, 2008 at 5:53 PM
Seriously, how does this guy go out and face the real world? Can you imagine him standing on the line at the airport trying to board a flight??? Geezus……..
Anonymous October 10th, 2008 at 5:37 PM
“its almost like a gay porn version of “The Hills have eyes…””
Thanks – I just laughed my breakfast out my nose
BeBe October 11th, 2008 at 5:30 AM
This guy Titus is beyond ugly – a fat turtle shell gut and a face that only a mother (or Frankenstein) could love. Titan has a strong brand but I gotta say – I’m BORED with their brand. Titan is known more for settlements than they are films at this point. They need to stop putting out Press Releases on every single entity they sue and the ensuing settlements they receive. I seriously look at them as more of a porn law firm than a hot porn film producer.
Glenn October 12th, 2008 at 8:18 AM
FRANCOIS SAGAT! Are these guys with the ‘tude even legal to work in the STATES? I am willing to bet not! There are plenty of hot Yanks! Let’s give the American guys a chance to be “stars” on their own turf.
Perry October 12th, 2008 at 2:27 PM
I think Titus is hot. If you dont like him then fine, but why be such prudes and act like you are shocked by his appearance. He has a great body and love those tattoos.
Anonymous October 22nd, 2008 at 10:47 AM
I love his ‘Superheroe’ look and his body is perfect. Some comments here are so conventional. Can’t believe gays can speak like that, like my grandfather when he sees a young guy or girl with a piercing.
Anonymous March 16th, 2009 at 11:46 AM
Titus’ real name is Timothy Carscadden. He says he’s straight with a curve. He lives in New York with his girlfriend, Andrea. He’s a pro competitive bodybuilder. He’s also the VP of his family’s clothing business and dresses in tailored business suits which he likes as much as being naked. His tatts came in stages and became more extreme and in your face as time has gone on. He likes himself and isn’t trying to prove anything to anyone else. He considers his body his temple and sees himself as an overtly sexual being. He says he’s romantic and he has a good sense of humor. Remember, these all are people with real lives. The fantasy is the porn. I’m sure none of the nasty things said here wouldn’t ever be said to his face, and if they were Timothy wouldn’t do anything but laugh it off.
Ewan May 2nd, 2009 at 3:07 PM
WORSE than homophobic, most of you! Criticizing Titus for his face and body tattoos is the same as criticizing someone for acting upon being gay. Same thing, but because you yourself are gay and have experienced such discrimination you should know better, so your criticism of Titus is then WORSE. Of course you have a right to not like him, duh! However, your judgments go way beyond saying you don’t like him to saying he SHOULDN’T have gotten the ink. Same as saying I don’t like gay sex so you are a dumbass fool for having gay sex. TitanMen, congratulations for being progressive–PLEASE keep catering to customers with progressive attitudes–Bodymod sex IS popular and I LOVE that you have Titus.
Charles Lindsay September 12th, 2009 at 1:33 PM
I don’t really care what anyone else may think! I think he is hot and I would most definitely never consider throwing him out of bed.
ANDY December 17th, 2009 at 8:12 PM
Sagat had a problem He’s 4 feet tall, losing his hair and nobody in the US could remember his name so he had to do something to stand out otherwise he looked like 20 other guys. He’s great at what he does and now easy to find.
Face tattooes with no design on the other hand are annoying. I just feel like someone is trying to erase themselves and it causes me to think to much and I dont really wanna get all thinky watching porn. Somebody out there is gonna love it im sure.
A! March 3rd, 2010 at 2:51 AM
Titus is fucking hot. More modified fags should be in porn. Or in the world. PERIOD!
giojameson May 23rd, 2010 at 3:48 PM
Dude is fuckin gorgeous! I first saw him in a tattoo magazine and freaked the fuck out when I saw him in gay porn! These other comments are really hurtful and just plain mean and they really could’ve gone unsaid…..
Sausage Wrangler May 25th, 2010 at 1:13 PM
Good or Bad “Titus” made an impression on almost everyone responding. Personally, it sparked a whole new desire in my loins. The juxtaposition of Romanesque Soldier vs. new age savage. He’s the Super Homo I have always yearned for. On the downside, he’ll never be able to blend in like Clark Kent….but while there is still our Camelot, I will visualize this hunky warrior as my partner in hand to gland combat.
Marvin October 30th, 2010 at 9:11 PM
I know that he also goes by name Tim Dax. He recently did some posing in NYC at an event. He was showing everything to girls and guys until a black female photographer asked to shoot him. He suddenly threw on his shorts and said he would rather she not photograph his penis. I thought it was odd considering he was showing off for everyone. The girl was just a chick with a flip phone like everyone else. Now that I see he is in gay porn it makes me laugh to know that he demanded a lone girl photographer NOT shoot his small pierced cock. I don’t know what to make of his response but it just seemed odd. As for his looks. I say to each his own.