Dean Phoenix Update
Last year (May 27, 2003 actually) I got a letter from a fan asking what ever happened to Dean Phoenix. From that one blog entry, he became one of the most popular porn star names on this site.
There were quite a few comments posted about him, many with incorrect information about his career moves and whereabouts. Well, guess what? I finally heard from Dean Phoenix today!
Below is an email from him updating what he is up to:
Subject: Re: Inventing Stories? Myths? Nawwwww
Not in this industry? haha
I’m only being facetious…………
Well, Mark, here’s the downright or upright truth, whichever position you prefer…. hehe
I was in San Diego, until recently. I was working for Washington Mutual for a couple years as a loan processor til I had moved to Denver on Christmas last year. Haven’t bartended in a couple years……….I’m thinking people really haven’t been updated since I’ve been out of the biz for quite awhile.
I moved out here to do Residential Construction til my knee blew out, so now I am working for BOYS NEXT DOOR as a Booking Manager til I recover from knee surgery. I’ve been doing dance gigs nationwide, (shouldn’t be on my knees til after the surgery, but gotta pay the doc)- don’t take that literally, wouldn’t want to add insult to injury. “)
I may do a return…………….but it’s under wraps at the moment. So, right now, I’m finding alot of new talent and getting there feet wet and having them join our team……….it’s been alot of fun, getting back in touch with the people I haven’t talked to in years.
Well, that’s my genie in a bottle……
Hope your having an awesome day!
P.S. Curious? What vicious rumours have spread since I’ve been gone? Wondering if they are the same ones that come full circle.
The rumors and stories he referred to were in the comments section of the previous blog entry about him. Now we’ve put them to rest.
My old boss used to have a big crush on Dean Phoenix, and so did his sister-in-law. It was really funny to listen to them fight over who “deserved” to have Dean Phoenix, even though neither of them ever met him. Not to mention one was a girl lusting after a gay man!
There you go! He’s still around, and must still be looking good if he’s go-go dancing in clubs. If he’s working for a modeling agency that supplies talent for the porn industry, I’ll bet he’ll be doing movies again soon!
Dean Phoenix Videography
1st Time Tryers 2 by All Worlds
A Lesson Learned by All Worlds
God Was I Drunk by All Worlds
High Desert by Sports and Rec
How The West Was Hung by All Worlds
Inside Porn by Sports and Rec
Jarhead by All Worlds
Mantasy Island by All Worlds
Naughty and Nice by All Worlds
Spiked by All Worlds
The Few The Proud The Naked 8 by All Worlds
Two Brothers by All Worlds
Untamed by All Worlds
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