Amateur Porn Circle Jerk: Ookie Gookie Cookie Comes of Age
Few things are as central to amateur porn as the circle jerk. In both the the Fear Factor-esque tween legend Ookie Gookie Cookie, and oft-rumored frat house sausage party hazing, certain elements are integral: straight men, stolen glances and “reluctant” contact with semen. Unlike an orgy, the erotic wellspring is not carnal abandon. In the circle jerk, a line in the sand is drawn at hand jobs.
Big studio porn has traditionally had little respect for the circle jerk — most of the gay guys would go down on their neighbor for the same fee that they’d jerk him off — cause who doesn’t want more? For smaller studios and amateur sites — especially those that focus on straight guys — circle jerks are the closest you can get real Marines (or college jocks or fast-food restauranteurs) to do without having to pay more. And you don’t have to deal with the crisis of sexual identity after your butch surfer “comes to” and realizes he’s now an official cocksucker. With circle jerks (and Tara Reid), it’s all good — your buddies doing it, too.
Randy Blue seems to have a special thing for circle jerks, and despite their relative low-impact performances, they are incredibly hot. It’s partly because of the restraint secretly gay guys have to show in front of the straight guys in the group. I mean, you always want what you can’t have, right?
Like directors Marine-coaxer Dirk Yates or nasty perverts like the Body Shoppe’s Uncle Don or Auntie Bob (each highly skilled at convincing straight guys that yanking on your roommates cock requires no shift in sexual identity), Randy Blue seems to relish those near mythical schoolboy scandals that — somehow — I never stumbled upon. His latest — featuring a smattering of RB favorites, newbies and gay-for-pay types — has had me digging through the archives. If only I’d had the nerve to start one myself, I wouldn’t have been stuck with my mouse and my meat. Eh, who am I kidding: I’d be here either way.
— Mike
Tommy June 12th, 2006 at 8:10 PM
Hot boiz, big cox. I like.
Anonymous June 12th, 2006 at 8:49 PM
I totally agree with your observation. I find circle jerks so friggen hot…i wish that there were more…the two i have seen on randy blue have just about been the hottest porn i have ever seen. watching each guys’ face as they totally relax and just get into that mode of being sexual, watching them vibe off each other…its totally fucken hot. my favorite is jude, i mean, could he be any cuter? randy ble, please please please give us more circle jerks…and for all those others out there…please, bring em on. that means you mike hancock!
b.j. June 13th, 2006 at 7:37 AM
Looks more like a line jerk to me.
Leashdog June 13th, 2006 at 10:33 AM
Oooh, I’m so hot for Reese. And that Jay Lopez has a smile to die for and a body to match! Thanks Randy Blue!!!
Q June 14th, 2006 at 2:06 AM
Oh, whatever happed to Kevin Wiles? *laments*
Q June 14th, 2006 at 2:14 AM
P.S. Is it really supposed to be so hard to leave a comment?
dude June 30th, 2006 at 1:16 AM
Ryon July 17th, 2006 at 4:41 PM
Could they cum on my face?
Russ July 21st, 2006 at 5:22 PM
OK, I agree those circle jerks can be hot and I’d like to be on the receiving end of all that jiz. But can someone tell me the name of the video (DVD) that these guys are in. Randy’s web site is not easy to navigate when you are looking for something specific.
Mike July 21st, 2006 at 5:49 PM
The video is a Randy Blue exclusive and not available on DVD, as far as I know. There are actually two scenes:
5 Guy Circle Jerk Pt1
5 Guy Circle Jerk Pt2
If you click on Randy’s right hand nav on 3 Ways/Video, it should pop up on the first page.
eric July 24th, 2006 at 10:25 PM
mmmmmm i <3 circle jerking!!!
Kraig July 28th, 2006 at 3:27 AM
I totally love circle jerks or jerkoff contests. Ofcourse having one and watching are two different things. I’ve always prefered watching than participating. What I wish studios would put out is a hookie cookie vid.
For those of you who, some how, don’t know what a hookie cookie is. It’s basically a circle jerk but the last guy to spurt has to eat the cookie that everyone else spunked on.
Let’s see a str8 guy do that. :)
This site is hot July 28th, 2006 at 12:45 PM
I just wanted to say I love this site. It gets me off every time, and I’m a chick. I love seeing men together!
Dan July 29th, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Really hot, once did this with 3 other guys but watching it gets me off big time.
Yummy, more please
luv to watch August 10th, 2006 at 10:33 AM
I loooove to watch cirle jerks and men masturbating, too! And I am very much a woman, mmmmm… any suggestions on how I can see more? ;) God, I’m throbbing right now!
Wild willy2565 August 11th, 2006 at 9:06 AM
8===> I circle jerk with my straight friends of course they dont know im gay. It really is the ultimate gay fantasy.
davey October 13th, 2006 at 1:16 PM
watchin circle jerks make me so hot
warren March 2nd, 2007 at 8:15 PM
Circle jerk is so hot :P
Anonymous March 20th, 2007 at 8:06 AM
Im a Woman and i love watching men get off and the more the merrier!! I wish there were more men with huge cocks out there who would jerk off together like this i just love it! even men on men thats so hot! Chris Rockway, Reese, Jay Lopez, Bradly James, Kody, Braden and RC all at it together!!! Yum Yum
Juanito April 9th, 2007 at 12:22 AM
Heeey!! Circle jerks are probably the most fun and intertaining of porn… but when you take part in one it totally blows u away!! everyone should do at least one
Jerkmaster June 6th, 2007 at 5:22 PM
Im straight and i have had sex with this one gay many times tho, i would just like to say circle jerking is sooo amazing! Cum is my ultimate favorite thing to take on my face!
straight for life July 7th, 2007 at 11:03 PM
thats fuckin gay i hate seeing queers do that shit, why wouldnt you guys want to get laid by a girl? queers for the loss
Tyler July 19th, 2007 at 1:41 PM
i’m gay and i just did a ircle jerk with a coupl straigt guys it was awsome there was cum flying everywere!!!!
Ryan August 6th, 2007 at 7:01 AM
this makes me so horny!!!
Noel February 26th, 2008 at 7:42 AM
My fantasy is a room full of horny naked guys and being cummed on by them all. I only ever had a threesome and the other two were trannies.
Adam March 5th, 2008 at 2:05 PM
I’m straight, but open to same sex fun and only 18. I’ve been involved in circle jerks since 8th grade. The first time it was with 2 of my friends. 3 months ago I was involved in one with over 35 boys in my school. We had a huge party at my friends house and 7 of us were jerking off upstairs in his bedroom. A couple of the guys walked in and within 20 min. everybody was jerking off. Most of us jerked each other off too and some of us gave each other bj’s. Now many of the guys in school do it in the bathrooms and locker rooms.
Austin March 28th, 2008 at 11:41 PM
haha yeah, good old highschool locker room! It was only two-three years ago, but man we’d get pretty crazy. It all started off when a couple guys in the shower were pretending to fuck eachother in the ass infront of everyone. Then some of us started making bets on who could jerk off and cum the fastest or the furthest on the floor. By the time we knew it, we’d all take turns giving eachother handjobs! Proud to say also, never had to eat the cookie… sometimes that was pretty nasty, you couldn’t even see it under the cum! Those were the days!
Horny Bastard. April 23rd, 2008 at 4:23 PM
Man! Just seein that picture of all then Jackin off turns me the FUCK ON! I wanna blow job so bad!!!!
Horny Bastard. April 23rd, 2008 at 4:23 PM
Man! Just seein that picture of all then Jackin off turns me the FUCK ON! I wanna blow job so bad!!!! Im
sir jerks alot May 17th, 2008 at 9:23 PM
ooooo ya i wana be in a circle jerk soooo bad if you wana be in one add me
Guest May 20th, 2008 at 6:47 PM
These guys are some of the hottest i’ve seen. Circle jerks turn me on!
Anonymous June 2nd, 2008 at 3:15 PM
whats circle jerking
Jason June 4th, 2008 at 12:46 PM
what are circle jerk and are there any staright guys that have a screen name and want to hook up
Cody September 27th, 2008 at 7:18 AM
Circle jerking makes me so fuckin horny its unreal. i cant wait to have my first circle jerk with a bunch of really hott guys
Anonymous October 30th, 2008 at 11:10 AM
ill circle jerk
ryan January 22nd, 2009 at 1:10 AM
To the couple of women who posted on here…please go away! I’m sorry, but seriously…the thought of str8 women wanting to watch guys circle jerk is weird. The whole point is GUYS wanting to have alone time with other GUYS – no women involved or allowed. Geez, go have one of your all girl dildo parties or whatever it is you do together. And while you’re listening ladies, stay out of our restrooms and locker rooms, too. Vamoose!
Anonymous October 2nd, 2009 at 10:55 PM
I wish I was in one
Luke Gale November 26th, 2009 at 10:47 PM
HOT HOT HOT Loved it.
SoHorny January 4th, 2010 at 6:19 PM
I’d love to be in a circle jerk as long as i’m the one they cum on ;)
cockslave January 6th, 2010 at 5:23 AM
mmm yum add me and if we can get enough guys then maybe we can arrange a circle jerk of our own?
joe newjersey March 22nd, 2010 at 6:27 PM
im 24 and striaght but when i was in highschool me and a friend were in his basement watching porn and we talked back in forth about jerking off,size,and if we shaved or not. but that soon turned into us measureing eachother and playing truth or dare until one of us was jerking the other.
circle jerk fanatic October 5th, 2010 at 11:00 AM
For voyeur exhibitionist gays there is nothing sexier than a circle jerk with some good bodies. New York Jacks were the best place for that and maybe still are.