CA Dems Join The Fight Against The Condom Ballot Initiative

Posted June 20, 2016 1:24 PM by with 0 comments

Our opposition to the Adult Film State Ballot Initiative in California is that it endangers the people it’s supposed to protect. Yesterday, the CA Democratic Party voted to join the fight.

“We now have bi-partisan state party opposition to this flawed initiative that would put our workers in grave danger. This is a day to rejoice, unite, energize, and gear up for the battle ahead. We have never been better prepared.” ~Eric Paul Leue, Executive Director, the Free Speech Coalition (FSC).

Eric Paul Leue urging the CA Democratic Party to oppose the anti-porn initiative

Eric Paul Leue urging the CA Democratic Party to oppose the anti-porn initiative

Often ignored and too often ignorantly disparaged, the FSC has been an often singular force defending the adult indistry and our collective personal freedoms. Victories in the Cal/Osha hearings and the 2257 ID Requirement cases as recent examples of their effectiveness. As an industry, we have far more detractors than supporters. More than ever, our supporters need our support to continue the battle.

As we know, Michael Weinstein and the AHF will stop at nothing to get their way and have a formidable war chest to use against us. Eric Paul Leue has recruited and inspired a team that has been successfully building coalitions in the outer body politic. As a result of his efforts, we have some help this time.

The shortcomings and danger posed by the scope of the Adult Film State Ballot Initiative have garnered allies including the AIDS Project Los Angeles, the California GOP, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Senator Mark Leno, and now, the CA Democratic Party.

xbniz1As is reporting, the ballot initiative would allow private citizens to sue adult performers and other industry workers when a condom is not visible in an adult film.

“This is a tremendous, unprecedented victory,” Leue said. “We applaud the California Democratic Party for recognizing the many problems with this dangerous initiative.

No worker in any other industry can be sued and harassed by members of the general public, and this initiative would open adult performers to stalking, extortion and profiteering.”

“This is a huge success and it wouldn’t have happened without the support and hard work of performers who came out and spoke up for their right to privacy,” said Ela Darling, a board member of Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC). While APAC President Chanel Preston added “This initiative puts adult film performers at risk.”

“This is not about condoms,” Leue said. “It’s a lawsuit bonanza that will be used to harass this work force. Harassment is not a California value.”

Matt Dorsey

Matt Dorsey

As Matt Dorsey writes, “this controversial ballot measure proposed by Los Angeles-based activist Michael Weinstein that seeks to impose draconian new restrictions on adult film production statewide.”

By codifying condoms, eye-goggles, and protective latex barriers as California’s HIV prevention standard, Weinstein’s measure aims to further a dangerous narrative to stigmatize one of the most promising new advances in HIV/AIDS prevention: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP. That’s, also, the absurd new ‘sue-a-pornstar’ provisions it would add to California law.”

What Can You Do?

First be informed:
Legislative Analysis of the Adult Film State Ballot Initiative in California
Initiative Breakdown by BallotPedia
Donate to and visit the Free Speech Coalition Website

Then take action:

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