Box Cover of the Day: “In Yer Face!”
I love that they had to put some extra space between “Face” and “!” on the cover of director Steve Cruz’s latest for Raging Stallion: Trenton is a gorgeous specimen of man and his cock deserves it’s own box cover. While the movie isn’t out yet, you can watch three free five-minute clips of Trenton after the jump …
(Via Chronicles of Pornia)
Tags: Fabio Stallone, In Yer Face, Rafael Carreras, Raging Stallion, Randy Dixon, Trenton Ducati
Peter E September 10th, 2012 at 9:41 PM
Really? Another movie shot in an afternoon with a cast we’ve seem 20 times before on the same set we’ve seen 50 times before by the same camerman? No thanks.
Manou September 11th, 2012 at 6:41 AM
Very hot scenes! Trenton Ducati is my new favorite exhibitionist pig.